In the movie Brave, archery features prominently in a sequence in which the protagonist, Princess Merida, goes head to head in an archery competition with her potential suitors. Each of the suitors displays classic archery mistakes in form, while Merida has perfect form. The filmmakers slow down to show the perfection of Merida's form and the phenomena called "Archer's Paradox." What is Archer's Paradox?
What is When the string is released, the back of the arrow is moving faster than the front, thanks to inertia. Naturally, in order for that to happen, the arrow shaft has to bend, and so it does. Then it bends the other way, setting up an oscillation in the arrow that is finally overcome by the spinning effect produced by the fletches. The paradox is that the arrow goes in a straight line by curving around the bow, which you can see in the clip.