A is as B
Children in the Bible
Women in the Bible
Bible Characters
Bible General
For all flesh is as... a. blood and bone. b. dung. c. food for the worms. d. grass.
d. grass. 1 Peter 1:24
David's best friend was a. Jonathan b. Diego c. Absalom d. Seth
a. Jonathan 1 Samuel 20:17
Who was the mother of Moses, Aaron and Miriam? a. Jochebed b. Judithed c. Jaeled d. She isn't named.
a. Jochebed Judges 4:18-21
What did Jesus give to Judas as a sign that he was to betray Him? a. Fortune cookie b. Bread c. Jar of honey d. Glass of wine
b. Bread John 13:26
The love of money is the root of...? a. Happiness b. All evil c. Excitement d. Much wealth
b. All evil 1 Timothy 6:10
The tongue of the just is as... a. the gentle dew falling from heaven. b. choice silver. c. rare rubies. d. apples of gold in pitchers of silver.
b. choice silver. Proverbs 10:20
Baby Moses was hidden among the bulrushes in which river: a. Congo river b. Jordan river c. Nile river d. Mississippi river
c. Nile river Exodus 2:1-10
Who was the woman that led the women of Israel out in a dance when they crossed the Red Sea? a. Miriam b. Michal c. Milcah d. She isn't named.
a. Miriam Exodus 15:20
What was Paul's original name? a. Sam b. Simpson c. Seol d. Saul
d. Saul Acts 13:9
What did John the Baptist eat in the wilderness? a. Roaches b. Locusts c. Pigeons d. None of the above. He is a vegetarian
b. Locusts Matthew 3:4
The king's wrath is as... a. the roaring of a lion. b. the heavens being shut withholding the rain. c. the sound of a cymbal. d. fierce as death itself.
a. the roaring of a lion. Proverbs 19:12
Who was Joseph's younger brother? a. Elmo b. Benjamin c. Reuben d. He only has older brother
b. Benjamin. Genesis 35:24
Who was the woman that posed as a prostitute so that she could meet with her father in law? a. Zoe b. Kai-lan c. Tamar d. She isn't named.
c. Tamar. Genesis 38:12-15
Jesus said "...I go to prepare a place for you ... you know where I am going and you know the way." And Thomas said to Him... a. I doubt it, Lord. b. Yes, Lord, you are going to Jerusalem. c. I don't know about the others, Lord, but I don't know where you are going. d. Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?
d. Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way? John 14:3-5
How many priests were to blow trumpets before the ark of God when it was transported from the house of Obed-Edom to Jerusalem? a. 35 b. 54 c. 81 d. 7
d. 7 1 Chronicles 15:24
But the path of the just is as... a. darkness: they know not at what they stumble. b. variable as the path of the unjust, but I delight in You O God. c. a smooth highway, and it is very narrow. d. the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.
d. the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. Proverbs 4:18
This child was a twin, and Abraham's grandson. His mother's name was Rebecca. a. Isaac b. Aaron c. Esau d. None of the above
d. Esau Genesis 25:21-27
Who was the woman that made her son a coat each year and took it to him? a. Hamutal b. Herodias c. Hannah d. She isn't named.
c. Hannah 1 Samuel 1:20;2:18-21
What miracle of Jesus is mentioned only by Luke in his Gospel account? a. The wedding in Cana. b. Sight restored to two blind men. c. Healing of the ten lepers. d. Feeding of the five thousand.
c. Healing of the ten lepers. Luke 17:11-19
Jephthah promised God He would sacrifice whatever came out to meet him from the battle, and it was his daughter. She was given some time to farewell her friends before she was sacrificed at the end of... a. two weeks. b. two months. c. twenty months. d. two years.
b. two months. Judges 11:39
God has set a tabernacle for the sun, which is as... a. a greyhound leaping forth from the stall. b. a watercourse, which flows without end. c. a bridegroom coming out of his chamber. d. unshakeable as a strong tower.
c. a bridegroom coming out of his chamber. Psalms 19:4-5
Which of Joseph's brothers wanted to save Joseph? a. Reuben b. Homer c. Levi d. Richard
a. Reuben Genesis 37:21
Who was the woman that prophesied to Barak that he would win the battle, but the victory would be at the hands of a woman? a. Deloresh b. Deborah c. Delilah d. Dorcash
b. Deborah. Judges 4:4-9
The angel of the LORD said to Balaam, "...I have come out as an adversary, because your way is perverse before me. If your donkey had not turned away from me these three times..." a. "you both would have fallen into a pit and died." b. "it would have walked under that oak tree and your hair would have been caught in the boughs of it." c. "I would have killed both of you." d. "surely just now I would have killed you and let it live."
d. "surely just now I would have killed you and let it live.". Numbers 22:32,33
The secret of the LORD is with them that... a. keep the law, and he will show them his mercy. b. fear him, and he will show them his covenant. c. trust in him and he will hide them in their day of trouble. d. love him, and he will pour out his blessing on everything they do
b. fear him, and he will show them his covenant.. Psalms 25:14