Who's Who - Teachers, Innovators and Pretty Good Thinkers
Florence & Other Quirks
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Just the DATA, Ma'am
First African American professional nurse; graduated from New England Hospital for Women and Children in 1879; constantly worked for the acceptance of African American in nursing and for the promotion of equal opportunities, and the American Nurses Association provides an annual award in her honor for significant contribution in interracial relationships
Who is Mary Mahoney (1845 - 1926)?
Florence Nightingale (1820 - 1910) earned this title by improving the standards of care of war casualties in the Crimea.
What is "Lady with the Lamp"? Florence Nightingale was also first nurse to exert political pressure on the govenment by her efforts in reforming hospitals and in producine and implementing public health policies.
In 1952 this scientist developed a photograph that revealed the structure of DNA and the key to understanding the blueprint of life, so called "Photograph 51".
Who is Rosaline Franklin (1920 - 1958)? James Watson & Francis Crick (Crambridge University) used photograph 51 as the basis for their famous model of DNA, and went on to win the Nobel Prize in 1962 for the DNA model.
There are nearly 2.9 million registered nurses in the US - 2.4 million are actively employed. This number represents the number of FHCC Registered Nurses (RNs)
What is What is 384? (333 civilian; 51 DoD) Will also accept "just under 400"
Planning and motivating staff to: Sort, Set in order, Shine, Standardize and Sustain, is this process for improving safety and empowering employees to sustain their work area(s).
What is 5S?
With Mary Brewster, these 2 women were first to offer trained nursing services to the poor in the NY slums. Known as the Founder of Public Health Nursing, their home, the Henry Street Settlement and Visiting Nurse Service, provided nursing, social services and educational activities.
Who is Lillian Wald (1867 - 1940)?
Florence Nightingale is recognized as nursing's first scientist-theorist for this written published work.
What is "Notes on Nursing: What It Is, and What It Is Not"?
Primary elements of this artwork "seal" are the bald eagle -the official symbol of the US since 1789; the circle of 5 stars above the eagle to represent the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard. The 2 flags symbolize America's history from the 13 colonies to the present 50 states, and the seal's colors are derived from the flag and earth representing the Nation's commitment to its veterans.
What is the Department of Veterans Affairs "Seal"?
In this form of practice, the nurse integrates research findings with clinical experience, the client's preferences and available resources in planning and implementing care.
What is Evidence-Based Nursing Practice (EBP)? EBP can help control cost by focusing on substantiated yet individualized approaches to care.
Launched in February 2014, the e-PERS system required "mandatory" training for all staff. Currently this percent of staff are compliant with the e-PERS training.
What is 86% compliant?
During the American Civil War (1861-1865) this nurse became the Union's Superintendent of Female Nurses responsible for recruiting nurses and supervising the nursing care of all women nurses working in Army hospitals.
Who is Dorothea Dix (1802-1887)? Ms. Dix was 59 years old when the Civil War began and lived 22 years after the war.
This statue, erected in 1938 and rededicated in 1971, commemorates devoted service to our Country and humanity by Army, Navy and Air Force Nurses.
What is "The Spirit of Nursing"?
The third United States Navy ship to bear the same name and the second Mercy-class hospital ship to join the Navy fleet. The USNS prefix identifies her as a non-commissioned ship owned by the U.S. Navy and crewed by civilians from the Military Sealift Command (MSC).
What is the USNS Comfort? In accordance with the Geneva Conventions, she and her crew carry no any offensive weapons and firing upon the ship would be considered a war crime as the ship carries only weapons of self-defense.
This organizational philosophy of process improvement to optimize efficiency, including reducing waste, in order to achieve internal and external stakeholder satisfaction.
What is "Lean" (Lean Six Sigma)?
According to the most recent VA National Surgery Quality Improvement Program (VASQIP) report – Q1 of FY14 – the FHCC completed this percent of reviews for Continued Stay, and of these, this percent met criteria for Continued Stay: ________% Completed Reviews ________% met Continued Stay criteria
What is 100% and 57.5% 100% of reviews were completed; 57.5% met Continued Stay criteria.
This nurse was a school teacher at the age of 17, one of the first women to work for the federal government, worked the battlefields of 3 wars, took a VIP ride on an early submarine (1899), was a vegetarian, dyed her hair black to help make her look younger and helped to establish the American Red Cross.
Who is Clara Barton (1812-1912)? (Wars: US Civil War, the Franco-Prussian War and the Spanish-American War)
In the American Nurses' Association (ANA) "Relationship Based” Model of Care, 3 crucial relationships are needed with "SELF", "COLLEAGUES" and .......
Born in 1928 this former NASA astronaut and retired Captain in the United States Navy, is most famous as the commander of the Apollo 13 mission, which suffered a critical failure en route to the Moon but was brought back safely to earth by the efforts of the crew and mission control.
Who is James A. Lovell?
The use of standard precautions serve to reduce the risk of microorganisms from both recognized and unrecognized sources of infection. The newly-launched initiative uses this code word to serve as a reminder to wash one’s hands.
What is "CHIPS"?
According to the most recent VASQIP report – Q1 of FY14 - in considering the Timeout Checklist Responses as reported for all Surgical Package cases (n=1,890), the “Patient identity”, “Procedure to be Performed”, “Site of Procedure”, and “ Valid Consent Form” was completed _______% of the time.
What is 100%?
This 21st century nurse researcher, pioneer, grew up in Gainesville Florida, believes nurses are professionals who have the responsibility to ask important questions, do rigorous research, base practice upon evidence and see the big picture. Her published contributions use statistical data to link nurse-to-patient ratios and patient safety.
Who is Linda Aiken?
Elements of "Transformational Leadership", "Structural Empowerment", "Exemplary Professional Practice", "New Knowledge Innovation and Improvement" and "Empirical Outcomes make up this Model.
What is the MAGNET MODEL?
This statement, rolled out on our 2012-2015 strategic plan, cites the patient to be at the core of our services, includes our guiding principles of QUALITY, EXPERIENCE OF CARE, READINESS, STAFF, INNOVATION and SUSTAINABILITY, and states our staff and volunteers are the human touch to the patient, setting the example of Excellent Care, Every Patient, Every Time.
What is "Leading the way for federal health care by providing a quality, patient-centered experience and ensuring the highest level of operational medical readiness"? or - will also accept What is "Readying Warriors; Caring for Heros"?
In 2007 the OMB (Office of Management and Budget) directed all Federal agencies to develop and implement a plan to eliminate the unnecessary use of SSNs, and by 2008 The Joint Commission’s National Patient Safety Goals (NPSG) identifies patient identification and it’s number 1 goal. At the FHCC these two identifiers are used on every patient, every time.
What is the Patient’s Full Name and Date-of-Birth?
In considering all they types of events* reported through e-PERS from February 1, through May 6, 2014, this is the most frequently reported type of event. *Communication, Diagnosis, treatment or procedure related, Falls, Medication, Missing patient, Patient/visitor injury, Physical assault or verbal threat, Skin breakdown
What is "falls"?