How Members of Different Groups Perceive Inequality
The Nature and Origins of Stereotyping Behavior?
Prejudice: Feelings Toward Social Groups
Discrimination: Prejudice in Action
Why Prejudice is Not Inevitable: Techniques for Countering Its Effects
The usually negative affect (feelings) that people have about particular social groups is known as ________. A) stereotype B) minimal groups C) incidental feelings D) discrimination E) prejudice
what is E) prejudice
Gender stereotypes include ________. A) only positive traits of women and men B) positive and negative traits of men and women C) only negative traits of women and men D) both positive and negative traits of men only E) both positive and negative traits of women only
what is B) positive and negative traits of men and women
The idea that part of our self-esteem stems from identifying with the social groups to which we belong is part of ________. A) implicit associations theory B) realistic conflict theory C) social learning theory D) social identity theory E) minimal groups theory
What is D) social identity theory
) The belief that minorities are seeking and receiving more benefits than they deserve and a denial that discrimination influences outcomes for minority members is ________. A) illusory correlations B) shifting standards C) implicit associations D) modern racism E) reverse discrimination
What is D) modern racism
Wilma, who is White, will likely show a greater care not to act in a prejudiced manner if ________. A) her parents do not hold prejudicial attitudes B) she had contact with, but no real interaction with, Black persons during high school C) her parents showed fairly indifferent attitudes about racial issues D) she had unpleasant interactions with Black persons during elementary school E) her parents admonish her about prejudice even though they sometimes act in prejudicial ways themselves
What is A) her parents do not hold prejudicial attitudes
) Providing members of a group with less favorable treatment because of their group membership is known as ________. A) stereotyping B) bias C) prejudice D) discrimination E) tokenism
What is D) discrimination
) A social group that is perceived to be a threat to the high-status group is frequently characterized as ________ and ________. A) low in warmth; high in competence B) high in friendliness; high in accomplishment C) low in nonconformity; low in kindness D) low in emotional stability; high in self-confidence E) high in warmth; low in competence
What is A) low in warmth; high in competence
) Advantaged groups show the most prejudice toward out-groups when the ________. A) disadvantaged group acts to minimize the impact of prejudice B) disadvantaged group’s image or interests are threatened C) disadvantaged group has developed strong leaders D) advantaged group’s leadership is threatened E) advantaged group’s image or interests are threatened
What is E) advantaged group’s image or interests are threatened
Exposing a person to some stimulus or event will make related information held in memory more available to him or her. This is known as ________. A) a bona fide pipeline B) a bogus pipeline C) the superordinate memory effect D) category activation E) priming
What is E) priming
) The contact hypothesis is based on the idea that ________. A) decreased contact between group members is necessary for the reduction of prejudice B) contact between members of different social groups has no long-lasting effect on the level of prejudice experienced by group members C) increased contact between members of different social groups may increase the degree of prejudice between the groups D) increased contact between members of different social groups can help to reduce prejudice between the groups E) prolonged contact with prejudiced members of society will increase one’s own level of prejudice
What is D) increased contact between members of different social groups can help to reduce prejudice between the groups
National surveys, in asking about how much progress there has been in moving toward racial equality, consistently find that White respondents perceive that ________. A) there has been a lot of progress B) there’s been little if any progress C) Black Americans are too demanding D) Blacks are being catered to because they comprise a potent political force E) there has been good economic progress for Blacks, but little real social equality
What is A) there has been a lot of progress
) In LaPiere's classic study, a young Chinese couple traveled across the U.S.A. and reported being treated courteously at virtually every restaurant and hotel. A follow-up survey asking for attitudes toward Chinese travelers found that ________. A) the level of service was highly correlated with the attitudes expressed on the survey B) the ethnicity of other travelers was highly influential in determining survey responses from managers of hotels and restaurants C) social norms generally accounted for the positive attitudes expressed on the survey D) most restaurant and hotel managers responded that they would refuse service to Chinese travelers E) the researchers had mistakenly surveyed only establishments the couple had not visited
What is D) most restaurant and hotel managers responded that they would refuse service to Chinese travelers
Jacob is a summer camp counselor director who has decided to group his campers into one of three groups; each of these groups will be situated in separate areas of the campground. What is the MOST likely outcome due to this situational context? A) The campers will develop a strong attachment to their own group and may grow to hold very negative views of the other groups. B) The campers will be equally likely to have friends in all three groups. C) The campers will become bored with their own group and, consequently, will seek out friends in the other two groups. D) The campers will be inclined to develop friendships with their own group only if the camp counselor director encourages them to do so. E) The campers will develop a strong attachment to their own group and will develop close friendships with members of the other groups.
What is A) The campers will develop a strong attachment to their own group and may grow to hold very negative views of the other groups.
) Very brief exposures to faces of people from different ethnic backgrounds (about whom one has a negative attitude) frequently causes people to respond faster to words with negative meanings than to words with positive meanings. This technique or type of research is known as ________. A) a bogus pipeline B) category activation C) the superordinate memory effect D) the bona fide pipeline E) implicit racism
What is D) the bona fide pipeline
) ________ occurs when the boundaries between an in-group changes in relation to an out-group in such a way that at least some out-group members are now seen as being part of the in-group. A) Ambivalent attitude B) Common identity C) Implicit association D) Standard shifting E) Recategorization
What is E) Recategorization
Gender-based discrimination affects a substantial proportion of the population by ________. A) blocking women’s progress in the workplace B) blocking men disproportionately from technical careers C) affecting women’s status in the social world more generally D) increasing the level of marital discord E) having a subtle effect on religious participation
What is A) blocking women’s progress in the workplace
) Jessica has worked her way up in her organization and is now a mid-level manager. She has treated her subordinates the same way her male counterparts treat theirs. Recently, Jessica has been passed over for several promotions. The jobs went to male coworkers who were possibly not quite as well qualified as Jessica. This situation probably represents ________. A) shifting standards B) the glass ceiling effect C) benevolent racism D) gender stereotypes E) tokenism
What is B) the glass ceiling effect
) In Sherif’s (1961) Robber’s Cave experiment, researchers were able to reduce the tension between two groups by ________. A) allowing friendships to form between members of different groups B) ignoring the taunts and attacks made against each group C) giving the groups a goal that required cooperation to be achieved D) encouraging competition between the groups for desirable prizes E) praising each group and telling the group members they were the superior group
What is C) giving the groups a goal that required cooperation to be achieved
) Jason has just seen five faces from different individuals of varying races – Native American, White, Black, Hispanic, and Asian – via the use of priming stimuli. After being presented with a certain “target” word, his response time after each of these five faces (in the order presented above) was 1.7, .98, 2.1, .76, and 1.3 seconds, respectively. Which of the following faces is Jason MOST likely associating with the “target” word? A) Native American B) Asian C) White D) Black E) Hispanic
What is E) Hispanic
Encouraging majority members to think about the advantages they have enjoyed as a result of their majority status increases their ________ which, in turn ________ racism. A) collective guilt; increases B) collective guilt; reduces C) individual guilt; increases D) individual guilt; reduces E) collective and individual guilt; has no effect on
What is B) collective guilt; reduces
In the march toward racial equality, Whites may perceive Black progress as a ________, while Blacks perceive it as a ________. If people generally tend to evaluate ________ more heavily than ________, then Whites should see ________ progress for Blacks than (as) Blacks see. A) loss; gain; losses; gains; more B) gain; loss; gains; losses; more C) loss; gain; gains; losses; less D) loss; gain; gains; losses; about the same E) Humans generally see the loss of a dollar as a negative as much as they see the gain of a dollar as positive.
What is A) loss; gain; losses; gains; more
Alisa wants to run for elected office in her state. Given stereotypes about the most appropriate jobs for females, her two best shots for winning would be ________ or ________. A) comptroller; attorney general B) education dept head; human services director C) comptroller; education dept head D) attorney general; human services director E) education dept head; lieutenant governor
What is B) education dept head; human services director
) Participants were asked to rate a series of pictures and were assigned randomly to a group, but were told that the others in their group shared a preference for either Klee or Kandinsky paintings. When given an opportunity to distribute money to others in the experiment, participants _____. A) split the money equally among both in group and out group members B) kept all of the money for themselves C) gave more money to the out group to compensate for collective guilt D) gave less money to their in group if it meant they could maximize the difference between the amount given to the in group and the amount given to the out group E) gave more money to their in group if it meant they could decrease the inequalities between their group and the out group
What is D) gave less money to their in group if it meant they could maximize the difference between the amount given to the in group and the amount given to the out group
) In Western societies, overt racism has ________ in public life; automatic prejudice has ________. A) continued; decreased B) decreased; continued C) decreased; decreased D) increased; increased E) increased; continued
What is B) decreased; continued
) After thinking about racial inequality in the U.S., White participants either wrote down disadvantages to Blacks due to their race, or wrote down advantages to Whites due to their race. ________ collective guilt was found in ________ condition(s). A) More; the “White advantages” B) Less; the “White advantages” C) More; the “Black disadvantages” D) The same amount of; the “Black disadvantages” E) The same amount of; both
What is A) More; the “White advantages”