Laboratory Tests
Muscular sac that holds urine and releases it to leave the body via the urethra
What is the urinary bladder?
Condition of high levels of urea (nitrogenous waste material) in the blood
What is uremia?
This sample is collected at the beginning of the visit, to check if patient is pregnant, as well as potassium, protein, and blood levels that help determine cause of symptoms
What is a urine sample/muestra de orina?
Given to treat urinary tract infections (UTI)
What are antibiotics/antibióticos?
Is there a family history of cardiac problems, clotting disorders or anything else I should be aware of?
¿Hay algún historial familiar de problemas cardiacos, desordenes de coagulación o alguna otra cosa que yo deba saber?
Tubes made of smooth muscle that propel urine from the kidneys to the bladder
What are the ureters?
Condition of burning/painful urination and blood in the urine
What is dysuria and hematuria?
Visual examination of the urinary bladder
What is cystoscopy/cistoscopia?
Procediemiento en cual un riñon de un donante se implanta quirúrgicamente en un paciente cuyos riñones ya no funcionan
¿Que es transplante renal/renal transplantation?
How would you describe your chest pain? Sharp, achy, pressure, burning or tight? Please describe it to me.
¿Como describe su dolor de pecho? Agudo, adolorido, presion, ardor o apretado? Porfavor desribamelo.
Removes waste products from the blood and excess fluid from the body
What are the kidneys?
Los riñones dejan de funcionar y dejan de producir orina. The kidneys stop functioning and do not produce urine.
¿Que es insuficiencia renal/renal failure?
Blood test to see how well the kidneys and liver are functioning, measures the amount of urea (nitrogenous waste) in the blood
What is Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)/nitrógeno de urea en la sangre?
Tube inserted through the urethra into the bladder to drain urine when there is urinary retention, may be short-term or long-term
What is urinary catheterization/cateterización urinaria?
Me duele mucho mi estomago, ya tengo 4 días así. También eh vomitado y no me da hambre. No eh tenido diarrhea ni fiebre.
My stomach hurts a lot, its been 4 days now. I've also vomited and I don't get very hungry. I have not had diarrhea or fever.
The tube that carries urine from the urinary bladder to the outside of the body
What is the urethra?
Cálculos renales "piedras en los riñones" (English & Spanish)
¿Que es Nefrolitiasis/Nephrolithiasis?
X-ray imaging of the urinary tract AFTER injection of contrast material
What is Urography/Urografía?
Waste materials are separated from the blood by a machine
What is dialysis/diálisis?
I will need to perform a few tests to help me determine the cause of your symptoms. I will come back to speak to you when I have the results.
Voy a necesitar hacer algunos exámenes para ayudarme a determinar la causa de sus sintomas. Yo regresare para hablar con usted cuando tenga los resultados.
Identify all organs that make up the urinary system (Spanish and English)
What are the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra? Que son los riñones, uréteres, vejiga urinaria, y la uretra?
Abnormal condition of protein (albumin) in the urine
What is Albuminuria/Albuminuria?
X-ray images of the kidney and urinary tract made WITHOUT the use of contrast material
What is KUB? (Kidneys, Ureters, Bladder)
Procedure in which shock waves are beamed into a patient to break up stones in the kidney, bladder, or ureter
What is Lithotripsy/Litotricia?
You have pyelonephritits. I will give you 1 dose of IV antibiotics and you will need to follow up with your primary care provider in 2-3 days. Return to the ED for high fever, unable to tolerate food/fluids, uncontrollable pain or other worsening symptoms.
Usted tiene pielonefritis. Le dare una dosis de antibiotico intravenoso y va necesitar seguimiento con su doctor de cabezera en 2-3 dias. Regrese al departamento de emergencia si tiene fiebre alta, si no puede tolerar fluidos o comida, por dolor incontrolable or por cualquier sintoma que empeore.