Motion of the Ocean
Change for the Better
Legal Advisors
Tables and Chairs
This motion must be moved, seconded, and stated by the chair/president before it can be discussed.
What is a Main Motion
If you approve the idea of a motion but want to change certain aspects of it...
What is amend the motion/ submit a substitute?
What happens when a matter that is introduced by Parliamentarian Morgan is not germane to the matter at hand?
What is raise a "Point of Order."
You feel that the pending question should be delayed so more urgent business can be considered.
What is move to lay the motion on the table?
This tactic is used to kill a motion.
What is to postpone indefinitely?
You must do this before you move, second, or speak to a motion.
What is address the chair/president?
President Frazier made a motion that has several parts, and you wish to vote differently on these parts...
What is move to divide the motion?
A certain matter has already been voted down, however, you feel that the Exec Board should give further consideration to this particular matter.
What is move to reconsider?
This long winded Class Rep is taking too much time addressing his/her concerns.
What is move to make a time limit for speakers?
You feel that any further discussion is unnecessary for this certain topic. How do you stop the discussion?
What is move the previous question?
If everyone agrees with the motion on the floor as is, this is the next step in parliamentary procedure.
What is vote for the motion?
This is what you do when you do not agree with a decision rendered by the President.
What is appeal the decision to the Exec Board?
You think that the Exec Board should give further consideration to a motion referred to a committee. You react on your feelings by moving that we do this...
What is move that the motion be recalled?
If you table a discussion, you cannot address the discussion at the same meeting the discussion was tabled. TRUE OR FALSE?
What is TRUE?
You want more time to think the motion over and you want to put a stop to the motion...for now...
What is move that the motion be deferred to a certain time?
This is what you do when you disagree with a motion on the floor.
What is vote against the motion?
One Exec member proposed a motion to amend a request. What does another Exec member do in order for that amendment to be voted on?
What is second it?
DAILY DOUBLE!!!! To refer a motion to committee, a majority vote is not required. TRUE OR FALSE?
What is FALSE?
DAILY DOUBLE!!! This is what you say when you want to re-address a matter that had been previously tabled.
What is "I move to take from the table...?"
You want to put a stop to the entire meeting.
What is move to adjourn the meeting?
You are feeling as though someone else can handle an issue better than the SBA Exec Board.
What is move to commit the motion.
To change a motion means to...
What is Amend it?
DAILY DOUBLE!!! This is what you say when you would like to advise your Exec Board to have something studied further before moving forward.
What is "I move we refer this matter to committee?"
More than one motion is proposed. This is the proper order in which the motions must be addressed.
What is The most recent motion takes precedence over the others?
You want to put an end to this debate immediately. What do you do?
What is "call the question"?