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Presidential Veterans
This and That
This president was an ultra-successful liquor distributor.
Who is George Washington
During his presidency, this President enjoyed skinny-dipping in the Potomac River in the early mornings.
Who is John Quincy Adams?
This President was known for his impeccable attire, earning him the nickname "Elegant Arthur." On his last day in office, four women offered him their hands in marriage. He also owned 80 pairs of pants.
Who was Chester A. Arthur?
This President led a great military victory at the Battle of Shiloh, citizens sent him more than 10,000 boxes of cigars as gratitude.
Who was Ulysses S. Grant?
This President was the first president to have electricity in the White House. However, he was so scared of getting electrocuted that he would never touch the light switches himself.
Who was Benjamin Harrison?
In his youth, this President apprenticed as a tailor. Even as president, he never stopped making his own suits.
Who was Andrew Johnson?
This President played a big role in popularizing golf. He installed a putting green at the White House and played more than 800 rounds while in office - exceeding the record of any other president.
Who was Dwight D. Eisenhower?
While serving as sheriff of Erie County, N.Y., this President had to spring the trap at a hanging on two occasions. This earned him the unflattering nickname "Buffalo Hangman."
Who was Grover Cleveland?
This President was the only president to be wounded in the Civil War - not once, but four times.
Who was Rutherford B. Hayes?
This President was involved in as many as 100 duels, most of which were fought to defend the honor of his wife.
Who was Andrew Jackson?
This president served as a fashion model during college, appearing on the cover of Cosmopolitan.
Who was Gerald Ford?
Not only was this president ambidextrous - he could write Latin with one hand and Greek with the other at the same time.
Who was James A. Garfield?
This President's nickname was "Old Kinderhook" because he was raised in Kinderhook, New York.
Who was Martin Van Buren?
On Sept. 2, 1944, this President was flying over Japan when his aircraft was shot down in the Pacific.
Who was George H.W. Bush?
This president was arrested during his presidency for running over a woman with his horse. The charges were later dropped due to a lack of evidence.
Who was Franklin Pierce?
This President was a former schoolteacher.
Who was James Garfield?
Get ready to rumble: this President could throw down in the wrestling ring. As a young man, he was only defeated once out of approximately 300 matches.
Who was Abraham Lincoln?
This president's high school nickname on the basketball team was "Barry O'Bomber," which he earned due to his awesome jump shot.
Who is Barack Obama?
This President served in the U.S. Army as a major general and became a hero of the Mexican-American War.
Who was Zachary Taylor?
This President regularly bought slaves in Washington, D.C. and quietly freed them in Pennsylvania.
Who was James Buchanan?
This President was a former farmer.
Who was Harry S. Truman?
During his senior year of high school at Phillips Academy, this President became captain of the cheerleading team.
Who is George W. Bush?
In college, this President's nickname was "Bull" because he told a lot of stories that stretched the truth or were made up by him.
Who was Lyndon B. Johnson
This President was Supreme Commander of the troops invading France on D-Day, 1944.
Who was Dwight D. Eisenhower?
This President almost always wore a red carnation on his lapel as a good luck charm. While greeting a line of people, he gave the flower to a little girl. Seconds later, he was shot by an assassin and died eight days later.
Who was William McKinley?