JIU's vision is to create a world where hope is alive and education is _____________.
JIU's mission is to help students be successful in what type of environment?
One that is constantly changing both culturally and economically.
When is the HLC visit?
Monday, July 21st - Wednesday, July 23rd
How do you login to JStar?
Click the Salesforce SSO icon in your citrix.
How many terms will certain new students be on a unique disbursement schedule?
1 term
What does it mean to democratize education?
To provide everyone an opportunity to achieve their education without barriers of location and circumstance.
JIU's education process is focused on a variety of different skill sets including these:
Ethics, collaboration, communication, and critical thinking
What three items need to be done by each SSA prior to and during the HLC visit beginning next Monday, July 21st?
Ensure your desk is clean and professional looking. Adhere to JIU's dress code policy of business casual attire. Know and be able to speak to JIU's mission and vision, and how your job ties directly into these.
What are the few and only items that SSA's are permitted to use CampusVue for?
1) Ledger cards
2) A small number of specific tasks
What students will have a unique disbursement schedule?
1st time borrowers and 1-term budget new students (non-military only)
As an SSA, what is the main component of JIU's mission that you directly impact?
Engaging with constituents to create an exceptional educational experience
If by chance you are pulled into an HLC interview what are the key points to remember?
1) Focus on how you impact the mission and vision in your daily job duties; leave personal opinions out
2) If you are unsure of the answer, don't "wing it", refer the HLC representative to Kirby
How do you locate your specific student population in JStar?
1) Access the "Accounts" heading
2) Change the subheading to "My Accounts"
What is the disbursement time frame for 1st time borrowers?
We order funding 30 days after course start and stipends are received between 8-10 weeks assuming that the student is at GC by the time JIU orders funding.
Identify the components of JIU's mission that an SSA does not directly impact
1)Providing innovative and relevant curriculum delivered by accomplished, supportive faculty
2)Offering readily available student-centered services
3)implementing state-of-the-practice, learning-centered technology and learning resources
What best describes the setting for an HLC interview?
1) A casual chat
2) An argument about who knows JIU best
3) A job interview
4) A venting session about what JIU can do better
What will students need in order to access the My Finances tab?
Their student login information.
What is the disbursement time frame for new 1-term budget student?
Half of the funding is ordered in the 3rd week of courses of the parent term, the second half of funding is ordered at the beginning of the child term. Stipends are sent to the student between weeks 12-14 from the start of the term.
Identify a few of the student-centered services and learning resources we provide as per the mission
TPA, Turn it in, SmarThinking, JIU Library, Student Affairs, MyFoundations/MyMath Labs, VFAO, Follett Bookstore, SSA Team
How should you respond if an HLC representative asks you "What is JIU's mission?"
1) "No idea"
2) Call out a few of key points and how your job impacts them
3) Repeat the JIU mission word for word
4) Yell "I need an adult!" and run away
What's the primary difference between an Activity Form Field, a Task, and Log a Call and provide an example of each?
1) Activity form field: Any task that has a template the SSA needs to fill out (e.g. Budget Revision)
2) Task: Any task that does not have a template (e.g. Extract Update)
3) Log a Call: A task that's only used to note record of phone contact/attempted phone contact (e.g. New Student Call)
Why does JIU have to adhere to a unique disbursement schedule for certain students?
Due to our Cohort Default Rate rising above an ideal threshold, unique disbursements makes students more accountable for their success in school by ensuring they earn their aid. The idea is to prevent students from defaulting on loans for something they never received (degree)