Relative Position
Chemical energy is stored in food until it is eaten. The energy in food is an example of
What is Potential Energy
An object's _____________ depends on gravity, but an object's _____________ does not
What is weight; mass
Sam pushes a stack of books with a force of 5N and Becky pushes in the opposite direction with 10N. Which direction will the books move and give the net force.
What is the books will move in Sam's direction with a net force of 5N.
Charles rolled a ball across the floor and noticed that it stopped before reaching the other side. What happened?
What is the force of friction worked in the opposite direction of the ball's movement causing it to slow and finally stop.
Melinda and Bart are sitting beside each other in the third car of a roller coaster. From whose reference point are Melinda and Bart moving away from the observer?
What is a person standing on the ground behind the roller coaster.
Which of the following would have the greatest potential energy? A ball rolling on a flat surface. A car moving along a flat road going 60 mph. a roller coaster that is at the bottom of the first hill. A rock sitting on the edge of a cliff.
What is a rock sitting on the edge of a cliff
Every object with mass exerts a gravitational force on every other object with mass. Which of the following two objects would be easiest to detect with measuring equipment? 1. an electron and a bowling ball. 2. the Moon and the Earth. 3. A baseball and a bowling ball 4. a human and a dog
What is Moon and Earth
Which of the following is an example of an unbalanced force and explain how you know. 1. a tug of war game in which no one wins. 2. a roller coaster going down the first drop. 3. a car parked in a garage. 4. a bridge
What is a roller coaster going down the first drop. I know this because gravity will be the unbalanced force that pulls the coaster car down.
The force of attraction between any two objects is known as?
What is magnetism
A diver dives from a diving board at a local pool. If the relative position of a diver is being described as below a certain reference point midway through a dive, what reference point is most likely being used?
What is the diving board
Which of the following describes an object with elastic potential energy. A boulder teetering on the edge of a steep hill. A cannon ball sitting at the bottom of a cannon. An iceberg floating in ocean water. A bed spring that is pushed together with a weight.
What is A bed spring that is pushed together with a weight.
An astronaut weighs 900 N on Earth but 0.0 N in outer space. How can an astronaut weigh different amounts when in different places? Explain mass and weight
What is The astronaut's mass will stay the same in all those places, but his weight changes due to the gravitational pull on him mass. Each place has a different amount of gravitational pull.
A speedboat is moving at a constant speed, and the force propelling it forward is balanced by the force of the water pulling it backward. Suddenly a wave strikes it from the side with a force of 500 newtons What will happen to the motion of the boat when it is hit by the wave?
What is the boat will become unbalanced and tip the opposite of the direction of the force
As an airplane flies through the air there are 4 forces at work. Thrust is caused by the airplane's propellers pushing through the surrounding air, pulling the airplane forward. Drag is caused by the air smacking into the plane's surface, pushing it backward. Lift is caused by the air rushing over the wings, pushing it upward. And weight is caused by gravity. Which force acts from a distance?
What is gravity
Steve and Barry are racing each other, and Barry is winning. If Barry is moving faster than Steve, from which reference point is Barry's position increasing through time?
What is the finish line
Which of the following is an example(s) of potential energy? 1. light energy 2. electromagnetic 3. energy due to the arrangement of atoms within a substance 4. energy in a stretched rubber band 5. energy an object has due to its height.
What is 3,4, and 5
Two objects are placed near each other. What affects how much gravitational force the objects will exert on each other?
What is the objects' mass and the distance between them.
Ozzy is trying to tow a trailer up a steep hill. If his truck pulls forward with a force of 2,750 newtons and the weight of the trailer pulls backward with a force of 2,790 newtons, what will be the net force and the direction?
What is the net force will be 40 newtons backwards because it is unbalanced.
How is a magnetic field and gravity alike?
What is they both are non contact fields
A squirrel is sitting beneath a maple tree. A bird is standing beneath the same tree. Another bird is perched on the top of the tree, an insect is clinging to a leaf. the leaf suddenly begins to fall. From whose reference point is the leaf moving away from the observer?
What is the bird perched at the top of the tree
Flames are the heat and light energy that is released when the potential bond of the chemicals are broken. What provides the chemical potential energy in a candle?
What is the wax
Look at the diagram. It plots gravitational force versus distance for two asteroids of equal mass (10 billion kg) Based on the graph, it can be concluded that the gravitational force between the two asteroids ___________ as the distance between them __________.
What is decreases; increases
Kyle is investigating how the motion of a football thrown through the air is affected by the ball's initial speed. the data for his first trial is shown. For Kyle's next trial, which factor must he change to continue his investigation?
What is the force applied to the ball
Carol put two horseshoe magnets on the table opposite of each other. She then sprinkled iron shavings. Draw what they look like and explain what is happening
What is the shavings near the poles are attracted.
During the day, a person can watch the sun moving across the sky. The sun appears to be moving relative to what reference point?
What is the Earth