Early Childhood: Physical & Cognitive
Early Childhood:
Social & Personality
Middle Childhood
Physical & Cognitive
Middle Childhood
Social & Personality
Parenting Styles & Aggression
Corpus callosum
What is the ____ ____ is the brain structure that connects the right and left hemisphere of the brain.
Emotional regulation
What is the ability to control emotional states and emotion-related behavior is known as ____.
A: Excessive weight gain
What is the most serious long-term health risk of the middle childhood period?
Psychological self
What is a person’s understanding of his enduring psychological characteristics is known as
a. Selfless behavior b. Non-aggressive behavior c. Prosocial behavior d. Hostile behavior A: Prosocial behavior
What is the behavior intended to help another person is known as
What is a strong preference for using one hand over the other is known as a. Lateralization b. Domination of hands c. Handedness d. Domination effect
Gender identity
What is ____ ____ is the ability to correctly label oneself and others as male or female.
Selective attention
What is A particular kind of concentration that enables children to focus on the important elements of a problem or situation is known as a. Selective attention b. Associative attention c. Strict attention d. Attention maturation
Relational aggression
What is a style of parenting that is low in nurturance and high in control and demand is a. Uninvolved parenting b. Authoritarian parenting c. Permissive parenting d. Authoritative parenting
Authoritarian parenting
What is a style of parenting that is low in nurturance and high in control and demand is a. Uninvolved parenting b. Authoritarian parenting c. Permissive parenting d. Authoritative parenting
2-3 years old
What is At what age do food aversions often develop?
2-3 years old
What is In stage 3 of empathy development, a child has empathy for another’s feelings. What age does this happen? a. 6 months b. 1 years old c. 2-3 years old d. 5-6 years old
What is ____ is the understanding that both physical actions and mental operations can be reversed.
What is Relational aggression is more common used by a. Girls b. Boys c. Boys and girls use it the same amount d. It is not used by either gender
Instrumental aggression
What is What type of aggression is aimed at gaining or damaging an object?
What is Knowledge about how the mind thinks and the ability to control and reflect one’s own thoughts is known as ____.
Gender constancy
What is There comes a point when a child finally understands that gender is permanent and unchangeable. What is the term for this?
Children who use English as a second language.
What is ESL is a program for what specific group of children?
Social status
What is ____ ____ is a child’s classification as popular, rejected, or neglected by their peers
Inductive discipline
What is Authoritative parents often use this kind of discipline where parents explain to children why they are being punished and refrain from physical punishment.
130 and above¬¬
What is What score do children need to get on an IQ test to be considered “gifted?”
Empathy is the ability to identify with another person’s emotional state. Sympathy is a general feeling of sorrow or concern for another person.
What is What is the difference between empathy and sympathy?
Howard Gardner
What is What psychologist proposed a theory of multiple intelligences because he though IQ tests did not predict achievement?
Self-esteem is the global evaluation of one’s worth, like how liked they are or how happy they are. Self-efficacy is an individual’s belief in his capacity to cause an intended even to occur.
What is What is the difference between self-esteem and self-efficacy?
Permissive parenting style
What is Sarah is a mom who lets her 15 year old daughter do whatever she wants. She gives her daughter anything that she asks for and doesn’t set any rules around the house. What kind of parenting style does Sarah have?