United Nations
Security Council
The General Assembly
The Secretariat
The Economic and Social Council & The Trusteeship Council.
The United Nations has the unique status of being the largest international organization, or what some call a?
Supranational global organization
The Security Council includes five permanent members (sometime called the P-5) name 3 of them.
What is United States, Britain, France, Russia, and China.
All UN member states are represented in the
What is UN General Assembly
Who leads the Secretariat.
What is the secretary-general
This was established to provide international supervision for eleven Trust Territories administered by seven member states and to ensure that adequate steps were taken to prepare the territories for self government or independence.
What is the UN trusteeship Council
Other international organizations like the United Nations are? (Name at least 1)
They include the World Bank, the IMF, and the WTO.
When the Secruity Council considers a threat to international peace, it first explores ways to settle the dispute peacefully under the terms of what chapter in the UN Charter.
What is VI
What majority in the General Assembly is required for decisions on key issues such as international peace and security, the admission of new members.
What is two-thirds.
In December 2006, Ban Ki-moon from South Korea was sworn in as the ____ secretary general.
What is the eighth.
This is intended to coordinate the economic and social work of the UN and the UN family of organizations.
What is the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
When joining, member states agreed to accept the obligations of the what charter?
What is the United Nations Charter
How many states are on the UN Security Council at once.
What is 15 states
The decisions reached by the General Assembly only have the status of recommendations, rather than binding decisions. One of the few exceptions is the General Assembly's _____, which makes decisions on the budget that are binding on members.
What is General Assembly's Fifth Committee.
The Secretariat consists of departments and offices with a total staff of _____ under the regular budget and a nearly equal number under special funding.
What is 8,900
The UN Economic and Social Council consults with, ____, thereby maintaining a vital link between the UN and civil society.
What is NGOs.
The UN was set up to correct the problems of its predecessor, the
What is League of Nations
In the Security Council their is how many main Subsidiary bodies.
What is 7.
The General Assembly can consider which matters within the scope of the UN charter.
What is any matter of the UN charter.
Their are how many departments and offices in the Secretariat.
What is 20
ECOSOC's subsidiary bodies include functional commissions, such as _______
What is either the Commission on the Status of Women.
In 2005, the UN established this resolution, asserting the moral obligations for states to intervene in other states that violate human rights.
What is the Responsibility to Protect Resolution (R2P)
Unlike with the League, the decisions of the Security Council are binding and must only be passed by a majority of _____ of the 15 members.
What is 9 of the 15 members.
Recent topics discussed by the General Assembly include the impact of globalization, ( Their is 5 left to choose from )
What is: 1.)the role of diamonds in fueling conflict 2.) international cooperation in the peaceful uses of outer space 3.) peacekeeping operations 4.) sustainable development 5.) international migration
Yet the role of the Secretariat remains primarily bureaucratic, and it lacks the political power of, for instance, the Commission of the EU. The one exception to this is the power of the secretary-general, under _____ of the charter, to bring situations that are likely to lead to breakdown of international peace and security to the attention of the Security Council.
What is Article 99.
ECOSOC does not have necessary management powers, however, it can only issue ______ and _______
What is issue recommendations and receive reports.