Words hurt...seriously....but really...this is not a joke
What 3 commands in the New Testament enable us to respond constructively to anger?
What is Be slow to anger
Do not sin
Deal with anger before sundown
According to a Mr. Dr. Joseph Stowell, what are some common sins of an angry heart?
“murder, envy, immorality, division, strife, and revenge.”
According to Dr. Stowell “Anger is a ______ emotion. It alerts us that something has gone wrong- that justice and righteousness have been violated.”
What is signal emotion
What three things should we do to react responsibly when trying to right a wrong?
What is praying, discerning, and be patient about the situation
Debonaire and with his hair gently blowing in the wind, Dr. Joe makes it clear that an individual's commitment should not be based on the dependency of God’s immediate action on our behalf. What does he say our commitment to Him should be based on?
What is one's desire to obey to God
How can we apply patience when we have personal guilt?
What is Seek forgiveness from God and others and begin to apply principles
While Building a Life that Matters, President Joey Stowell heard satan whisper in his ear “Are you going to let them get away with that?” What does he suggest one does when Satan whispers with his stanky breath in your ear?
What is to recommit yourself to focus on God
When others upset us how should we respond with our actions?
What is showing love to them
How can we apply patience when situation is out of control?
What is trust the sovereign design of God and submit to His plan.
What bible verses mention the five stages of intense emotions?