The Reason for the Season
Christmas Consumerism
Around the Globe
Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree
Mary was living in ___ when the angel Gabriel appeared to her. A. Nazareth B. Egypt C. Berlin D. Rome
A. Nazareth
In an effort to solicit cash to pay for a charity Christmas dinner in 1891, a large crabpot was set down on a San Francisco street, becoming the first collection kettle for which charity? A. Toys for Tots B. Santa's Toy Fund C. Unicef D. Salvation Army
D. Salvation Army
Stores will sell more of these during the Christmas season than at any other holiday... A. Diamonds B. Toilet plungers C. American flags D. Masks
A. Diamonds
In _(country)___, Christmas is called Noel. This is derived from the phrase "les bonnes nouvelles," which means literally "the good news" and refers to the gospel. A. France B. Mexico C. Germany D. China
A. France
Which state is the leading producer of Christmas trees? A. Florida B. Tenneessee C. Hawaii D. Oregon
D. Oregon
Who was the Roman Emperor when Christ was born? A. Julius Caesar B. Caesar Augustus C. Marc Antony D. Pontius Pilate
B. Caesar Augustus
Around__(#)__ Christmas cards are sent annually in the United States. DAILY DOUBLE!!!!! A. 3 billion B. 500 C. 1 million D. 10 billion
A. 3 billion
_____ introduced its first Christmas cards in 1915, five years after the founding of the company. A. Target B. US Postal Service C. Michaels D. Hallmark
D. Hallmark
In Norway on Christmas Eve, visitors should know that after the family's big dinner and the opening of presents, all the ______ in the house are hidden. The Norwegians long ago believed that witches and mischievous spirits came out on Christmas Eve and would steal these. A. pots B. brooms C. teeth D. cattle
B. brooms
According to the National Christmas Tree Association, Americans buy __#__ real Christmas trees each year. DAILY DOUBLE!!!!! A. 5,200 B. 3.6 million C. 37.1 million D. 1.2 trillion
C. 37.1 million
What relation was John the Baptist to Jesus? DAILY DOUBLE!!!!! A. First Cousin B. Uncle C. Half brother D. Second Cousin
D. Second Cousin
Who was the first United States' president to decorate an official White House Christmas tree? A. George Bush B.Franklin Pierce C. John Adams D. Barack Obama
B.Franklin Pierce
During the Christmas buying season, ____ are used an average of 5,340 times every minute in the United States. A. Revolving Doors B. Plastic Bags C. Kites D. Visa Cards
D. Visa Cards
_______ do not use Christmas trees or give presents at Christmas. A priest may throw a little cross into the village water to drive the kallikantzari (gremlin-like spirits) away. To keep them from hiding in dark, dusty corners, he goes from house to house sprinkling holy water. A. Canadians B. Chinese C. Greeks D. Germans
C. Greeks
_______ leads the world in exporting lobster, wild blueberries, and Christmas trees. A. Heidelberg, Germany B. Kaliningrad, Russia C. Nova Scotia, Canada D. Virginia, US
C. Nova Scotia, Canada
Who saw the child when he was brought into the Temple, knew that he was the Savior, and took him up in his arms? A. Simeon B. Zachariah C. Lazarus D. Joseph
A. Simeon
______was the first state to recognize Christmas as an official holiday. This tradition began in 1836. A.Texas B. Massachusetts C. Alabama D. Florida
C. Alabama
An average household in America will mail out _(#)_ Christmas cards each year. A. 2 B. 16 C. 28 D. 53
C. 28
There are two Christmas Islands. In which two bodies of water are they located? A. Pacific and Indian Oceans B. Atlantic and Pacific Oceans C. Arctic and Pacific Oceans D. Southern and Atlantic Oceans
A. Pacific and Indian Oceans
Christmas trees are edible. Many parts of pines, spruces, and firs can be eaten. The _____ are a good source of vitamin C. A. Bark B. Pine Needles C. Leaves D. Pine Cones
B. Pine Needles
The words "Messiah" and "Christ" both mean _____. A. Good Shepherd B. Holy One C. Son of God D. Anointed One
D. Anointed One
Which state contain towns named "Christmas" and "Santa Claus"? A. Alaska B. Arizona C. Arkansas D. Alabama
B. Arizona
In America, the weeks leading up to Christmas are the biggest shopping weeks of the year. Many retailers make up to __% of their annual revenue in the month preceding Christmas. A. 40 B. 50 C. 60 D. 70
D. 70
_____ are often included in the decorations on Ukrainian Christmas trees. This found on Christmas morning is believed to bring good. A. Dried starfish B. Crosses C. Fake spider webs D. Feathers
C. Fake spider webs
America's official national Christmas tree is located in King's Canyon National Park in California. The tree, a giant sequoia called the "______," is over 300 feet (90 meters) high. It was made the official Christmas tree in 1925. A. Tree of Truce B. King's Crown Tree C. Tree of St. Nicholas D. General Grant Tree
D. General Grant Tree