What is a Request for Comments? Section 14.101, 1400.2050.
The number of requests needed to require a rule hearing.
What is 25? Section 14.22
It stands for Statement of Need and Reasonableness.
What is SONAR, or SNR? Section 14.131.
The two basic types of exempt rules.
What are exempt by legislation and good cause exempt? Sections 14.386 and 14.388
The group responsible for the Rulemaking Manual and this seminar.
What is the Interagency Rulemaking Committee?
The points at which an agency may request prior approval of its additional notice plan.
What are before the Request for Comments is published or before the Notice of Proposed Rules is published? Sections 1400.2060.
The information that is required for a valid request for a hearing.
What are name and address, and the portion of the rule objected to, or objection to the entire rule? Section 1400.2080, subp. 3.E.
The information that must be in the SONAR about witnesses who will testify if there is a hearing?
What are nonagency witnesses the agency anticipates asking to testify and a summary or description of their testimony? Section 1400.2070, subp. 1.C.
The rules that may be repealed using the Process for Repealing Obsolete Rules.
What are rules identified in the agency's annual report under Minn. Stat. section 14.05, subd. 5? Section 14.389.
The place where Notices relating to rulemaking are published.
What is the State Register? Sections 14.14, 14.22
The length of the initial comment period after a Notice of Hearing, Dual Notice or Notice of Intent to Adopt Rules without a Hearing.
What is 30 days? Section 1400.2080, subp. 3.
Information that is encouraged to be included with a request for hearing.
What are proposed changes to the rule? Section 1400.2080, subp. 3.F.
The place that the SONAR must be mailed at the time that the Notice of Intent to Adopt is mailed.
What is the Legislative Reference Library? Sections 14.131, 14.23.
The way an agency gets authority to do expedited rulemaking that will have the force and effect of law.
What is when the legislature gives explicit authority for expedited rulemaking? Sections 14.389.
The lengths of the post-hearing comment period and the post-hearing rebuttal period.
What are 5 days or 20 days; then 5 days? Section 1400.2230.
What you have to do to get a hearing date assigned.
What is call the Office of Administrative Hearings and ask to speak to a scheduler?
It is what must happen for a hearing to be canceled after 25 or more people have requested one.
What is a sufficient number of people withdrawing their requests so that there are fewer than 25 people remaining who are requesting a hearing? Section 1400.2080, subp. 3.B.
The rules an agency does not need to demonstrate need and reasonableness for when it is amending existing rules.
What are rules not affected by the proposed amendments? Section 2070, subp. 1.
The kinds of good cause exempt rules that are permanent.
What are rules that incorporate specific changes set forth in applicable statutes when no interpretation of law is required; or that makes changes that do not alter the sense, meaning or effect of a rule? Section 14.388.
The only kind of comment that may be submitted to the Administrative Law Judge during the second comment period following a hearing.
What are rebuttals? Section 1400.2230.
The things that must be submitted to OAH with a request for approval of a Notice of Hearing or a Dual Notice.
What are a copy of the proposed rule with a certificate of approval as to form from the Revisor of Statutes' office; and a draft or final copy of the SONAR? Section 1400.2080, subp. 5.
The things that must in included in an Order Adopting a Rule Without a Public Hearing.
What are the number of persons who requested a hearing; and the number of persons who withdrew their requests? Section 1400.2090.C.
Whenever feasible, state agencies must develop rules emphasizing superior achievement in meeting the agency's regulatory objectives and maximum flexibility for the regulated party and the agency.
What is the policy statement underlying the requirement that the SONAR address how its rules are performance-based? Sections 14.131 and 14.002.
Notice and a 30-day comment period is, but a SONAR is not.
What are the basic requirements for expedited rulemaking? Section 14.389, subd. 2.
If 100 or more people request a hearing and the legislature specifically refers to subdivision 5.
When does an expedited rulemaking require a hearing and compliance with all of the other requirements of chapter 14? Section 14.389, subd. 5.