ELL Participation in STAAR
Linguistic Accommodations for ELLS
Linguistic Accommodations for ELLs
Decision Making
Available for students with disabilities, including those who are ELLs, who meet eligibility requirements. Some linguistic accommodations permitted.
What is STAAR A?
The instruction of ELLs involves communicating with them in ways they currently understand while sequencing and scaffolding instruction to foster the learning of grade-level English and academic content.
What is a linguistic accommodation?
Require all teachers to linguistically accommodate the instruction of ELLs in their classes commensurate with the students' English language proficiency levels.
What are the Language Proficiency Standards?
Responsible for obtaining the necessary information from the individual student's teachers.
What are LPACs responsible for in making assessment decisions?
Enter student data for assessment decisions.
What is the state assessment review screen?
Available for students in grades 3-5. Not permitted for an ELL whose parent or guardian has declined bilingual/ESL program services. Linguistic accommodations not permitted because students testing in native language.
What is STAAR Spanish?
A bilingual dictionary and extra time may be used.
What is the allowable linguistic accommodation for STARR Math, Science & Social Studies?
Eligibility can be carried over from spring to the July and December administrations.
What is the STAAR L EOC assessment?
Work as a committee to make assessment decisions on an individual student basis and maintain required documentation
What must the LPAC do during assessment decision-making time?
ALL LEP students are reviewed an entered in ESPED. This includes parent denials, students using linguistic accommodations and students not using linguistic accommodations.
What students do we enter in ESPED for state assessment decisions?
Available for students receiving special education services, including those who are ELLs, who meet requirements for an alternate assessment based on alternate achievement standards.
What is STAAR Alternate 2?
A bilingual dictionary, extra time and (clarification in English for online interface) may be used.
What are the allowable linguistic accommodations fro STAAR L in Math , Science and Social Studies?
help ELLs understand the language of instruction and accelerate the learning of both subject matter and English
What is a linguistic accommodation in the classroom?
Must adhere to the administrative procedures in the STAAR Decision-Making guide.
What is the responsibility of the LPAC?
Student's teacher of record signs electronically for student using linguistic accommodations for the assessment.
Who signs electronically for the linguistic accommodations the student is using?
Linguistically accommodated STAAR mathematics, science and social studies assessments.
What is STAAR L?
Dictionaries of various types, extra time and clarification in english of word meaning in short answer questions and writing prompts may be used.
What are the allowable linguistic accommodations for STAAR English I and II?
is a specialized standard dictionary used to translate words (and sometimes common phrases) from one language to another.Typically bidirectional so that the user can look up words in either language to find translations.
What is a bilingual dictionary?
Designed to guide the LPACs in making assessment and accommodation decisions for ELLs participating in the STAAR program.
What is the STAAR Decision-Making Guide for LPACs?
For ELLs who ― have been enrolled in U.S. schools 3 school years or less (5 or less if qualifying unschooled asylee/refugee), and have not yet attained TELPAS advanced high reading rating in grade 2 or above.
What students qualify for the Special English I provision?
Available for ELLS who: are not most appropriately assessed with STAAR Spanish, AND have not yet attained a TELPAS AH reading rating in grade 2 or above, AND have been enrolled in U.S. schools for 3 school years or less starting with first grade
What is STAAR L?
Should be based on the student's particular need for second language acquisition support and whether the student uses the accommodation routinely in classroom instruction and assessment.
What is a linguistic accommodation provided during a state assessment?
is designed to convey word meaning through drawings or photographs. Might be monolingual, bilingual, or multilingual
What is a picture dictionary?
Makes and documents test participation decisions for ELLS as well as decisions about which accommodations to provide during state assessments
What is the LPAC?
Finalize all decisions and documentation (teacher of record does not need to attend)
What is the responsibility of the LPAC meeting before testing?