Headache / stroke
This is what a nurse teaches patient about decreasing risk of sun damage to the skin....
wear sun protective clothes, SPF 15 or more, Avoid sun exposure between 10 and 3; water/snow /high altitudes Water-resistant sunscreen NOT water-proof Use hats, umbrellas/parasols, etc. Avoid PABA sunscreens Drugs that cause photosensitivity: see table 24-2
A pt has a fbs of 121. What would you teach patient?
lifestyle modifications Like what? Would you teach SMBG, insulin administration, oral hypoglycemics?
A pt just had a thyroidectomy and develops strider and cramping in right hand. What should the nurse do first? 1. infuse IV calcium gluconate 2. Suction airway 3. prepare for incubation 4. prepare for tracheostomy
What is 1. Infuse IV calcium gluconate
pt has dysphasia and right sided weakness. It resolves within a 2 hours. What med will you anticipate being ordered as part of pt's daily regiment?
What is ASA!
What action by nurse is needed for pt taking Dilantin (phenytoin)? Inspect oral cavity Check pupil reaction to light auscultate LS
What is inspect oral cavity. Why?
What would you teach parent of child with impetigo?
What are: educate on topical and systemic antibiotic use Saline or aluminum soaks Soap/water to remove crusts Do not scratch the lesions Children should not come into contact with other children until crusts are dry and 24 hours of antibiotics Teach pt to clean area carefully Assess for diminution of lesions Meticulous hygiene! Separate towels, change bed sheets daily, etc.
What is the MOA about glyburide? What s/e?
What is stimulates insulin production hypoglycemia; weight gain
Pt has RAI for tx of hyperthyroidism. What will be included in discharge instructions: 1. s/s of hyperthyroidism will be diminished in a week 2. Stop all antithyroid meds 3. Use precautions with urine, stool, body fluids since they may be radioactive 4. None of the above
What is none of the above! Explain.
pt with hx of left - sided stroke suddenly bursts into tears while friends come to hospital for visit. What is the explanation for this?
What is emotional outbursts are common in left-sided stroke patients. Not always r/t to depression; can't control.
The nurse sees a pt jerk, fall to ground, and then regain consciousness. What is most important NI? record event Notify provider Give scheduled Depakote Assess head for injury
What is assess head for injury.
What is topical 5FU used for and what would you teach the pt?
used for per-cancerous lesions and some malignant diseases. s/e: itching, erosion, 4 weeks after stopping tx very little systemic effects photosensitivity
What is a critical finding for a pt on Metformin? BS 166 weight gain 1 lb CXR BUN 60
What is BUN 60
What assessment by RN taking care of a pt on synthroid would warrant call to health care provider? 1. HR 58 2. Elevated TSh 3. Increased T4
What is 3. Increased T4. Explain.
What is a correct statement r/t migraines? 1. Wine will help me relax and prevent migraines. 2. I should avoid taking ASA and Imitrex at same time. 3. I will lie down in a dark place when migraine begins. 4. I wild use Topamax as soon as my migraine begins.
What is 3. Why?
What equipment is needed for seizure precautions?
What is siderail pads, O2, suction!
Treatment for an enlarging mole with irregular borders, 6 mm diameter? cryosurgery, curettage, punch biopsy or excision
What is excision
You are a home health nurse and have just done pt education. Pt takes glargine and regular insulin. What is action means teaching is a SUCCESS? glargine insulin 30-45 minutes before a meal pt fills syringes and stores in refrig pt draws both insulins in one syringe pt disposes vials after 4 weeks
What is pt disposes vials after 4 weeks
What is the priority nursing intervention for a pt after thyroidectomy?
What is assess resp rate and effort.
A nurse will assess for what with a pt with cluster h/a? 1.nuchal rigidity 2.projectile vomiting 3.unilateral eyelid swelling 4. Bilateral facial pain
What is 3.
What intervention should be implemented first for pt having tonic-clinic seizures? Give Dilantin 100 mg IV Monitor LOC Obtain CT ADM Ativan 4 mg IV
What is ADM Ativan 4 mg IV
Pt had Mohs surgery for SCC. What would you teach about about the care of the incision? applying 5FU on incision line; sterile technique to clean; wet to dry dressings; or ice application to help with swelling
What is ice application to help with swelling
What is correct about SMBG for DM type 1 pt? Select all that apply. 1. Wash site with soap and water 2. Chooses a site in the middle of the finger pad 3. Hangs arm at side for a few minutes prior to using lancet 4. Says 130 is "good control"
What is 1,3,4
Pt has been admitted with thyroid storm. What med should be given first: 1. Synthroid 2. Lugol's solution (iodine) 3. propranolol 4. PTU 5. Tapazole
What is propranolol. Why?
pt with left sided hemiparesis arrives at ER. What should you do?
What is ABC!
A teacher has been DX with epilepsy! She tells you "I can't teach anymore.". What is the best response? Call a support group. Are you interested in counseling? Dept. Of Rehab can help with a new career. Most pts. are well controlled with medication.
What is most pts. are well controlled with medication.