What is OB/Diversity
Attitudes & Job Sat / Perception and Decision Making
Emotion and Moods
Personality and Values
T/F Older people are more likely to quit and change jobs than younger employees.
What is Answer: False. The older a person gets, the less likely he/she is to quit a job, according to studies on the age-turnover relationship. As workers get older, they have fewer job opportunities because their skills have become more specialized to certain types of work.
T/F The relationship between pay and job satisfaction virtually disappears when one earns a pay package sufficient for or more than the comfortable living amount.
What is Answer: True
T/F Moods are more intense than emotions and invariably arise because of a specific event acting as a stimulus.
What is Answer: FALSE. Emotions are defined as intense feelings that are directed at someone or something. Moods are feelings that tend to be less intense than emotions and often lack a contextual stimulus.
T/F MBTI personality is widely used in organizations because of its validity in predicting job performance.
What is Answer: False.
T/F The evidence supports the superiority of participative over assigned goals in motivating employees.
What is answer: False
What is contingency variable
What is answer:Contingency variables are variables that moderate the relationship between two or more variables. For example, an OB study can say x leads to y, but only under conditions specified in z.
What are the two broad approaches for assessing job satisfaction?
What is answer: The single global rating. The summation of job facets.
Provide one example of surface acting.
What is answer:an employee masking her emotions of distrust toward the management
Name the big five personalities
What is OCEAN
What is the theory that proposes that people prefer to feel they have control over their actions, so anything that makes a previously enjoyed task feel more like an obligation than a freely chosen activity will undermine motivation?
What is self-determination theory
The discretionary behavior that is not part of an employee's formal job requirements and that contributes to the psychological and social environment of the workplace is called ________ behavior.
What is citizenship
Zappos offers $2,000-$3,000 to those who quit after initial organizational training. This is an example of using ___________theory to form positive motivation for those who choose to continue to work in the organization.
What is cognitive dissonance
______________ theory demonstrates that employees react emotionally to things that happen to them at work, and this reaction influences their job performance and satisfaction.
What is Affective events
According to _______________theory certain big five traits are more relevant in certain jobs.
What is Trait activation
Edith believes that the methods for determining salary hikes and bonuses in her company are extremely unfair. In this case, Edith perceives a lack of ________ justice.
What is procedural
What is "Glass escalator"
What is answer: “Glass escalator” indicates a pheonomenon that men earn higher wages and faster promotions in female-dominated professions.
What is this job attitude? Studies show that only 14%-29% of employees show high score for this job attitude and it has a stronger effect on task performance and OCBs than job involvement and job satisfaction.
What is employee engagement
What do two groups of researchers disagree about measuring emotional intelligence? Explain...
What is answer:Some measure EI using tests with right or wrong answers and other measure EI with self-reports focusing on noncognitive aspects. Importantly, these two measurement are correlated weakly.
Individuals with high ______________have more ascendant jobs and careers, in part, because they are more apt to pursue further education and maintain better health
What is answer:core self-evaluations
Which of the following series of dimensions of the job characteristics model (JCM) combine to create meaningful work? A) autonomy, task identity, and feedback B) skill variety, autonomy, and task significance C) skill variety, autonomy, and feedback D) feedback, task identity, and task significance E) skill variety, task identity, and task significance
What is E
What are the three types of job performance? Explain each performance.
What is Task performance, Citizenship behavior, and withdrawal behavior (or counterproductive work behavior)
What is this theory from sociology ? This theory suggests that decayed and disorderly urban environments may facilitate criminal behavior because they signal antisocial norms. It fits with behavioral ethics showing that seemingly superficial aspects of the environment (lightning, outward displays of wealth and status, and cleanliness) affect ethical behavior in organizations.
What is broken windows theory
What are three ways of capitalizing on envy that we discussed in class?
What is answer: fair management, creating learning climate, instilling positive self-regard in employees.
Compare situation strength theory and trait activation theory
What is answer: see the slides :)
What are some long-term benefits from helping others?
What is answer: relationship, motivation, learning