Multiple choice
Other important stuff
Explain how item A works on PARCC multiple choice
Item A has to be correct in order for any points to be earned
What is the first thing you should do on each page?
Read over part A and B multiple choice question
What are the three forms of writing you will be asked to provide?
- Narrative - Analytic - Research
What do the two different types of multiple choice questions EBA and TBA stand for?
Evidence based assessment (will have roughly six per every two passages) Technology based assessment
If you are struggling with an open response item and how to create a thesis, what should you do?
Use the prompt itself to select red flag words. Use these key terms in your thesis sentence creation. By default, your thesis sentence will be on topic. (Only do this if you are struggling)
What types of questions will the majority of the Part A and B questions be classified as?
From what we've seen: - questions over denotation - questions based on true or false - questions about the theme of the passage - questions about details from the passage
When is the best time to read the FULL articles provided?
Best Answer: When you have to. If they multiple choice question asked for he meaning of a word in paragraph 4, just jump to paragraph 4. It will be best to read the full text when it's time for your essay.
What are the key elements to narrative writing?
- understand the prompt - STAY TRUE to the character - Provide dialogue along with narration - be descriptive - Indent MANY times - be creative (Will probably ask you to continue the story that was given or create a scene about a character's past)
How many questions does PARCC see on an A and B question?
A and B work together only making up one question. They go hand-in-hand.
How many prompts will you have to read for the analytic essay? How many prompts will you have for your narrative? How many prompts will you have for your research?
Narrative and analytic both will have two (from what I've seen) Research will have three or more
Grade the following scenarios: 1. Part A and B are correct 2. Part A is wrong Part B is correct 3. Part A is correct Part B is wrong 4. Both A and B are incorrect
1. 2pts 2. 0pts 3. 1pt 4. 0pts
What tools are provided for you on the English test?
- Red X to eliminate answers - Highlighter (3 colors) - Notepad - Option to flag a page if you are stumped on a question - mention the issues with these
What are the keys to analytic writing?
- Understand the prompt - create a thesis that addresses the prompt - Provide three high quality concrete details in each body paragraph - Provide a high amount of intelligent commentary in each body paragraph - restate thesis in the conclusion
Where should you spend the majority of your time and energy?
-PART A -Writing essays - Don't over think any item B questions
What basic things need to happen Tuesday and Wednesday night?
- Obvious but need to be said: - Sleep - eat in the morning (Don't stay up watching Netflix, gaming, or reading. Eat even if you aren't a breakfast person.
How many rubrics are used to grade your different styles of writing?
Two rubrics
How do you correctly answer any part B questions?
- Look up directly above your answer for part A. Your part A answer will help dictate your decision making on part B. - Do NOT second guess yourself or worry about part A. Make the best decision you can and believe it's right with full conviction.
How are the rubrics labeled?
One rubric grades your narrative writing. The other rubric is used to grade both your analytic and research responses. As a result, we are going to treat the research paper much like an analytic response. Provide CD with CM.
How should you handle the multiple choice questions that ask for two different answers? (Think back to our Brain's Winter and Call of the Wild)
- Take two bites to answer them They will usually give you an: A. Brain's Winter B.Brain's Winter C.Brain's Winter D. Call of the Wild E.Call of the Wild F. Call of the Wild
What should you bring Wednesday?
A basic mouse with a USB cable or port (headphones will be provided)
What is the general rule for how the drag and drop questions will be graded?
3/4ths of the questions must be accurate in order to receive half credit. Everything must be correct in order to receive the full two points.
What will be your biggest challenge from the past in the Benchmark test?
You will find time a bigger restraint, so don't waste it like you may have done in the past. Taking the test on the computer will be a change. (Remember: use the space bar to indent- TAB will NOT work)
What two words should be on your mind as you type your essays?
Diction Syntax
How many drag and drop questions will you see per every two passages?
One - they don't value a drag and drop any more than a Part A and B combined. Keep this in mind. (Drag and drops are worth 2pts if everything is perfect)
What is the WORST mistake you can make on any of the writing prompts or essays?
Not understand or writing to address the prompt (Getting off topic) Side note: be patient and don't panic