Saturday morning
Saturday afternoon
Sunday Morning
Sunday afternoon
Male and female spirits complete each other, not ___________? (Phrase)
What is Compete against each other
Shiblon was used as an example of what?
What is someone who served without a title?
This man used his missionary guide as the bottom support of his sea bag?
Who is President Monson.
Who talked about jumping up a cliff?
What is Elder Holland?
Elder Hales quoted this article of faith as he talked about religious freedom.
What is Article of Faith 11.
Leader of this faith quoted two paragraphs of the Family Proclamation at colloquium on the family.
What is Iranian Muslim?
How did Nelson Mandela describe a saint?
What is a sinner who keeps on trying?
Silver nitrate is danergous because in it you see________.
What is yourself?
The words of what Catholic Mother inspired a friend of Sister Wixom return to her Mormon faith.
What is Mother Theresa?
What hash tag search does NOT have all he answers?
What is #spacious building.
Elder Oaks said there is a difference between being the leaven in society and being ________ by society?
What is digested
Elder Renlund mentioned that we must: try, perservere, and help others. If we do not do this he called us these three names latter--day______,_______,_______.
What is sinners, quitters, and hypocrites
A mother named her baby ____, after the death of her young son. Her testimony shown through as she said, "because _______ comes after sorrow"
who is Joy.
What are the 3 parables that Elder Nielson referred to about in his talk about his sister Susan?
What is The parable of the lost coin, the lost sheep and the Prodigal son
Elder Anderson quoted this song as he spoke of the majesty of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ
What is Come Thou King of Kings
Elder Eyring mentioned a small village in _________, had nothing standing after a devasting tropical storm but the Church's church made out of _________.
What is Vanuata, concrete.
Elder Wilford Anderson asked "Do you dance with or without music?" What is the dance what is the music?
What is Actions of the gospel, testimony of the gospel.
Who was inspired to declare that a young girl who was to die within minutes would live when giving her a blessing
What is Elder Eyering?
Where are the 3 new locations announced for new temples
What is Ivory Coast, Port a Prince Haiti, and Bangkok Thailand
Elder Pearson mentioned that this Prophet prayed to stay faithful after serving as President of the Church for 21 years.
Who is Heber J. Grant
Name 4 of the 5 things that Sister Burton mentioned that we can do in our conversation with our spouses.
What is: praise, thank for them in prayer, stop yourself before you are rude, apologize, do not demand to be right.
Sat morning and afternoon how many talks discussed the family?
What is 6: Packer, Burton, Perry, Christofferson, Anderson, Cook.
Who is the organist in general sessions of conference?
What is Clay Christiansen.
What are the 3 simple habit Elder Texieria said we should apply in our activities?
What is visit church websites, subscribe to the church social networks, make time to set aside electronics.
Elder Hales listed these 4 cornerstones of Freedom, in our religious freedom:
What is 1. Freedom to believe 2. Freedom to share faith and belief with others 3. Freedom to form religious organizations 4. Freedom to live our faith.