Body and Mind
Myth or Fact
Risks and Harms
So You Think You Know...
LCHS Community
True or False? An unborn child is affected by the preganant woman's consumption of alcohol and other drugs.
True. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can cause the unborn child to have physical or mental problems that may last all of his/her life.
Myth or Fact? Alcohol is a food
Myth Alcohol is not considered a food b/c the calories contained in alcohol do not contain and nutritional value.
True or False? A person can die of alcohol poisoning
True Drinking large quantities of alcohol in a short period of time can be fatal, which is why drinking games are particularly dangerous
True or False? Alcohol contains many calories
True One mixed drink can contain anywhere from 200 to 500 calories! Did you know that it is not required that calories be listed on the packaging? Alcohol is not only high in calories but is high in sugar content
What are our school colors?
Burgundy and white
True or False? Everyone's body reacts the same way to the same amount of alcohol.
False. Age, gender, and size affect how alcohol reacts within your body.
Myth or Fact? If you start drinking by the age of 15, you are two times more likely to become addicted at some point in your life?
Myth If you start drinking by age 15, you are 4-5 times more likely to become addicted at some point in your life.
True or False? Kids who drink alcohol are at higher risk for being a crime victim
True Alcohol makes you less aware of your surroundings and more likely to make poor decisions, which puts you in danger and more likely to become a victim
True or False? Over 50% of alcoholics are unemployed and homeless
False There are many people who depend on alcohol and are considered alcoholics who have successful careers and seem to "have it all together." If you are concerned about someone in your life, please let us know we can help with providing resources for you
What is our school mascot?
True or False? In the body, alcohol is digested just as food is.
False. Alcohol flows straight from your mouth to your stomach and then through your stomach walks into your bloodstream and on to every organ in your body.
Myth or Fact? One drink stays in your system for 2 hours
Fact One drink stays in your system for 2 hours. Nothing you do will sober your up more quickly-drinking coffee and taking a cold shower may make you feel more alert but it does not make you more sober
True or False? If you eat right before drinking you will be less drunk
False Alcohol is absorbed into your bloodstream through your stomach walls, so although eating food slows down the process it does not keep you from getting drunk
What is the average cost of a DUI?
The average cost of a DUI is approximately $10,000 in fines, legal fees and increased insurance. In addition, there is a zero tolerance policy for minors, meaning that any amount of alcohol found to be in your system while driving is considered a DUI. After being arrested for a DUI, minors will also have their license suspended until the age of 21
What's the schools address?
710 Santa Barbara street
True or False? A person will not become intoxicated by eating eating some solid food while drinking.
False. Alcohol is absorbed into your bloodstream through your stomach walls, so although eating food slows down the process it does not keep you from getting intoxicated
Myth or Fact? A 12oz can of beer, a 4oz glass of wine and a 1oz shot of hard liquor (86 proof) contain different amounts of alcohol.
Myth Each contains the same amount of alcohol.
True or False? Mixing alcohol with other drugs allows you to drink more alcohol safely
False Mixing alcohol with other drugs causes the effects of both drugs to be greater and very unpredictable. It is never possible to know for sure the effect that mixing alcohol with other drugs will have on a user. The most dangerous thing to mix with a sedative (alcohol) is another sedative or "downer." The combination can be fatal
True or False? The majority of teens drink alcohol on a regular basis
False 69% of 11th graders report NOT using alcohol in the last 30 days. 86% of 9th graders report NOT using alcohol in the last 30 days. 94% of 7th graders report NOT using alcohol in the last 30 days.
Who is our assistant principal?
Mr. Gonzales