Simple Events
Theoretical & Experimental Probability
Fundamental Counting Principle
Independent/Dependent Events
Find the probability of rolling a 6 on a dice. Give the fraction, decimal, and percent.
What is 1/6; 0.17; 17%?
What is the theoretical probability of a coin landing on heads?
What is 1/2?
Jill is scheduling her first three classes. Her choices are math, science, and language arts. Find the number of different ways she can schedule her first three classes.
What is 6 ways?
Find the total number of outcomes from rolling a dice with sides labeled 1-6 and choosing a letter from the word MATH. Then find the probability of rolling a 6 and choosing an M.
What is 24 and 1/24?
A dime is tossed and a dice is rolled. Find P(heads and 2).
What is 1/12?
Find the probability of not rolling a 2 on a dice. Give the fraction, decimal, and percent.
What is 5/6; 0.83; 83%?
Two dice are rolled together 20 times. A sum of 7 is rolled 8 times. What is the experimental probability of rolling a sum of 7?
What is 7/20?
Find P(12, 2)
What is 132?
Find the total number out sandwich possibilities if choosing from turkey, ham, or roast beef; American or Provolone cheese; mayo or mustard.
What is 12 possible sandwiches?
One letter tile is selected from the letters D, C, A, I, and a spinner is spun with three equal sections marked with an A,C, and B. What is the probability that both will be a vowel?
What is 1/6?
If there is a 30% chance of rain, what is the complement of the event? (Name the event and the percent)
What is 70% chance of no rain?
There are red, a purple, and a pink marble in a bag. A marble is picked 20 times, and the marbles are replaced after each pick. If red was picked 8 times, purple was picked 10 times, and pink was picked 2 times, what is the experimental probability of picking a red marble? Give answer as a fraction, decimal, and a percent.
What is 2/5; 0.4; 40%?
Find P (5, 5)
What is 120?
A box of toy motorcycles contains red, blue, white, and pink motorcycles. A separate box contains a male and a female action figure. What is the probability of randomly choosing a yellow car with a male action figure? Describe the likelihood of the event.
What is 0 or 0% and impossible?
A quarter is tossed and a dice is rolled. Find P(heads and even).
What is 1/4?
Find P(A) if picking a letter out of the word "AMERICA." Describe the likeliness of the event as well.
What is 2/7 and unlikely?
Yesterday, 50 bakery customers bought cupcakes and 12 of those customers bought chocolate cupcakes. If 100 customers buy cupcakes tomorrow, how many would you expect to buy a chocolate cupcake?
What is 24 customers?
How many ways can a president, vice president, and secretary be randomly selected from a class of 25 students?
What is 13,800?
How many outcomes are possible when rolling a dice and picking a marble from 5 different colored marbles?
What is 30 outcomes?
There are 3 apples, 5 bananas, and 2 pears in a fruit basket. Two students each select a piece of fruit at random. Find P(pear then apple).
What is 1/15?
A spinner has four equal sections with the colors red, blue, green, and yellow. What is the probability of the spinner landing on red or green? Give the probability as a fraction, decimal, and a percent.
What is 1/2; 0.5; 50%?
A coin is tossed 50 times, and it lands on heads 30 times. Find the experimental probability and the theoretical probability of the coin landing on heads. Then, compare the experimental and theoretical probabilities.
What is 3/5 (exp. prob.) and 1/2 (theoretical prob.)? What is the experimental probability was slightly higher than the theoretical probability (happened more than expected)?
Two different letters are randomly selected from the letters in the word music. What is the probability that the first letter selected is m and the second letter is c?
What is 1/20?
Use the Fundamental Counting Principle to find the number of outcomes from tossing a dime, a nickel, and a penny.
What is 8 outcomes?
There are 3 apples, 5 bananas, and 2 pears in a fruit basket. Two students each select a piece of fruit at random. Find the probability that two bananas are chosen.
What is 2/9?