Civil War
People who moved from the south to the north after the Civil war were known as ________________________. People who moved from the north to the south after the Civil war were known as ____________________.
Which laws were passed to protect farmers from high tarrifs on the railroads? Which party was created to protect the common people vs. the rich?
granger laws, populist party/populism
The _____________________ was a REFORM era seeking to correct the problems in borth business and government. (stems from the industrial revolution) These people are going to be known as ____________________ or activists.
Progressive Era; Progressives
The U.S gained influence in China after the _____________________ that gave whoever wanted it access to China. Why did we want access to China?
Open door policy;trade!!
The two political parties that emerged during reconstruction were the_______________________ & __________________.
Radical republicans;southern democrats
The ___________________________ was put in place to decide whether new territories will enter the U.S as a slave state or a free state. ______________________ allowed for the decision of slave state vs. free state to be left up to the people.
Kansas-Nebraska Act;popular sovereignty.
__________________ means hands off government/little regulation on business by the federal government. The theory of __________________________ says that the strong businesses with capable owners will survive, and weak businesses will collapse.
Laissez Faire; Social Darwinism
people who expose the corruptions and problems in business and industry are known as ______________________. (upton sinclair and The Jungle) The problems of the meat packin industry led to the creation of the _____________________.
Muckrakers, Food and Drug Administration
What caused us to enter the Spanish-American war?
yellow journalism;Spanish letter;"to #!!##!!##!!##!!# with Spain, remember the Maine!"
Laws that are created to break up monopolies are called _________________.
Anti-trust laws
The Supereme court ruling that slaves could not sue because they were not considered citizens, but instead property, was decided during which court case?
Dred Scott Decision
Why did we need immigrants in the U.S? The _____________________________ outlawed immigration for chinese for 10 years. What is the different between new and old immigrants?
Jobs;Chinese Exclusion Act; old immigrants were skilled and had some money and were Englishmen, new immigrants were UNSKILLED and BROKE and come from way worse conditions in their home country.
_____________________ believed that racial discimination would end when blacks had the SKILLS to be a part of the economy. _______________ believed racial discrimination would end through education.
Booker T. Washington;WEB Dubios
The _______________________ said that the U.S had the RIGHT to protect its economic interests by military force in the Western Hemisphere. Roosevelts policy to work out diplomatic relations peacefully but also have a military to back it up was known was ________________.
Roosevelt Corollary; Big Stick Policy
The ______________________ linked the East coast to the West Coast and helped settle the West. The _______________________ gave people 160 acres of free land to make it their own.
Transcontinental Railroad;Homestead Act.
The seige at Vicksburg severely hurt the Confederate Army and caused them to retreat back to the south. What was the name of General Grant's tactic? The battle at ___________________________ was considered the turning point of the Civil War. The Union army now has the upper hand.
Anaconda plan;Gettysburg
Rockefeller, Carneige, Vanderbilt are all considered ___________________________. people that have enough money to persuade politics in their favor are known as _____________. What are the advantages to these? Disadvantages?
monopolists; political machines; advantages: help the poor/immigrants get on their feet, provide charity funding/ funding for research, they also create JOBS. Disadvantages - too much political pull creates issues
The __________________ pushed for the women's right to vote. WOMEN CAN VOTE AFTER THE ________ AMENDMENT.
Women's Suffrage Movement;19th
What were the two motivations behind building the panama canal?
Trade; transportation; military strength
Give me two telecommunication inventions of the Gilded Age. Give me one transportaion invention of the Gilded Age. Give me two manufacturing improvements of the Gilded Age.
telephone;telegraph Railroads Bessemer Steel; and assembly line
When Lincoln declared that "all slaves in states in open rebellion against the U.S are forever free" is part of the _________________________.
Emancipation Proclamation
Bad working conditions, low pay, long hours all led to the birth of _________________________. Sam Gompers created the _____________________.
labor unions;american federation of labor
President ________________________ fought against monopolies, trust, and other big industry. The ________________________ said that workers, businessmen, and consumers shoudl get fair and honest treatment.
Theodore Roosevelt;Square Deal
The handpicked army by President Roosevelt to fight the biggest battle of the Spanish American war, at San Juan Hill, were known as the _________________.
Rough Riders.
The ________________________ happened from 1760-1820 and shifted production from hand to use of machines. The _________________________ happened in the late 1800s and goes all the way t o WWI. It begins around the time of the Bessemer Steel process and ends with mass production and assembly lines.
1st industrial revolution;2nd industrial revolution.