Independent Nations of South Asia
The Modern Middle East
Struggles In Africa
Conflicts in the Middle East
What is partition?
a division of a sub-continent
What is OPEC?
OPEC is the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. OPEC wanted to end the power of western oil companies and determine oil production quotas and prices. Members included Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, and several small states along the Persian Gulf.
Who was Nelson Mandela?
An ANC leader who had organized peaceful protests. In the early 1960s, Mandela was arrested, tried, and condemned to life in prison for treason. Even in prison, Mandela remained a powerful symbol of the struggle for freedom.
Who was Yasir Arafat?
He was the head of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), which led the fight against Israel. Attacking Israelis at home and abroad. The plo gained worldwide attention with airplane hijackings and the killing of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympic games.
What were the two major groups of India?
A majority of Indians were Hindu, but millions were Muslim.
What does secular mean?
Secular means something that is non-religious.
Who was F.W. de Klerk?
South African president who was was pressure by outsiders that finally convinced F.W de Klerk to end apartheid.
Who was Yitzhak Rabin?
The Israeli Prime Minister who, in 1993, signed the Oslo Accord with Yasir Arafat. This plan gave palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank limited self-rule under a Palestinian Authority. The PLO recognized Israel's right to exist and pledged to stop terrorists attacks on israel.
Who was Indira Gandhi?
Indira Gandhi was daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru, and served as prime minister between 1966 and 1984.
Who was Ruhollah Khomeini?
a religious leader, condemned Western influences and accused the shah of violating Islamic law.
Who was Desmond Tutu?
He was a black south African bishop who won the Nobel Peace Prize for his nonviolent opposition to apartheid.
Who was Saddam Hussein?
In 1980, the Iraqi dictator took advantage of turmoil in neighboring iran following its islamic revolution by seizing a disputed border region. His action sparked a long, costly war. The war ended in a stalemate in 1988. In 1990 Saddam Hussein claimed that kuwait was historically a part of iraq, and invaded, but only to gain control of its vast oil fields. The United states intervened and under the banner of the UN defeated Hussein. After the 2001 terrorist attack, the United States claimed Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and was supporting terrorists. the United States invaded Iraq with a coalition army and toppled Saddam, who was tried and executed for war crimes by a new Iraqi government.
Who was Jawaharlal Nehru and what did he do?
From 1947 to 1964, he led India as its first prime minister. He wanted to strengthen India’s economy.
What is a theocracy?
A theocracy is a government led by religious leaders.
What was the Genocide in Rawanda?
The tutsi and hutus were two groups found in Rwanda who had constant conflict. When the hutu president was shot down on his way back from peace talks, the Hutus began a 100 days of genocide, killing tutsis.
Who was Golda Meir?
Israel's first woman prime minister, who was planning peace talks when Arab nations attacked in 1973.
What was the Kashmir and what happened their?
The Kashmir was a state in the Himalayas. In 1947, Kashmir’s hindu rulers tried to join india, but the muslim majority wanted to be part of pakistan leading to decades of conflict.
Who was Gamal Abdel Nasser?
In 1952, Gamal Abdel Nasser seized power in Egypt. He was determined to stop western domination and modernize egypt. Nasser nationalized the suez canal in 1956, ending British and French Control.
What was apartheid?
Apartheid was the severe segregation and discrimination of the black-african majority in south africa by the white-african minority. it began to expand throughout the country in 1948. Under apartheid all south africans were registered by race: Black, White, Colored (people of mixed descent), or Asian. Under Apartheid blacks had to get permission to travel, marriages between races were banned, segregation was required at restaurants, beaches, and schools. Blacks were paid less than whites, and could not own land in most areas.
What was the “road map?”
In the early 2000s that the United States, the European Union, Russia, and the UN supported a plan called the “road map” aimed at peace in the middle east. It supports a two-state solution, with peaceful coexistence between israel and a stable, democratic Palestinian state. to achieve this, it called for an end to violence and terrorism. Some israeli and palestinian leaders accepted the plan, while iran and radical islamist groups rejected it.