Circular motion and gravitation
Electricity and Mag.
This is the directed change of an objects position
What is Displacement
This is the amount of force required to hold a 12 kg box off the ground
What is 117.7N
An Object travels in a circular path of radius 5 meters at a uniform speed of 10 meters per second. What is the magnitude of the objects centripetal acceleration
What is 20 m/s2
This is the device used to detect charge
What is an electroscope
This is the force responsible for nuclear decay
What is the Weak Force
In projectile motion this is the direction of the net force
What is down
An object of mass 30 kg is falling in air and experiences a force due to air resistance of 50 newtons. This is the net force acting on the object
What is 244N
An object weighs 300 Newtons on the surface of the earth. How much would the object weigh if it were to move to a position four times as far from the center of the Earth?
What is 18.7 N
The current through a 10.-ohm resistor is 1.2 amperes. It's the potential difference across the resistor
What is 12 Volts
With a net force of 4.32 x 10-16 C, This is the number of electron lost.
What is 2700
In a velocity vs. time graph, it’s how displacement is calculated
What is the area under the curve
A sled is being pulled across a floor. The sled’s mass is 75.0 kg and the coefficient of sliding friction is 0.250. If a force of 250.0 N pulls the sled, This is the acceleration of the sled
What is .88 m/s2
A 1750 – kilogram car travels at a constant speed of 15 m/s around a horizontal, circular track with a diameter of 90 meters. The magnitude of the centripetal force acting on the car is
What is 8750 N
What is the total current in a circuit consisting of six operating 100-watt lamps connected in parallel to a 120-volt source
What is 5 Amps
This is the quark composition of a Proton
What is uud
A soccer ball is kicked at an angle of 50o to the horizontal with an initial velocity of 35 m/s, name both ways to increase the range of the soccer ball?
What is increasing the initial velocity and decreasing the angle to 45o
A rocket accelerates at 56 m/s2. It has a mass of 800,000 kg. The calculate the force (thrust) that the rocket engines must supply is
What is 44800000N
What is the gravitational acceleration on a planet where a 2 kg mass has a weight of 16 Newtons on the planets surface
What is 8m/s2
A 4.50-volt personal stereo uses 1950 joules of electrical energy in one hour. What is the electrical resistance of the personal stereo
What is 37.4 Ω
In order for a satellite to stay in orbit these two forces need to be equal.
What are centripetal force and gravitational force
A soccer ball is kicked at an angle of 50o to the horizontal with an initial velocity of 35 m/s, how high does the ball go?
What is 36.6m
A 30kg sled is pulled to the right with a 50-newton force at an angle of 35 degrees. The sleds acceleration is to the right. This is the Normal Force
What is 265.6 N
What is the gravitational force between two electrons placed 1 micrometer apart
What is 5.535 *10 -59 N
A copper wire of length L and cross-sectional area A has resistance R. A second copper wire at the same temperature has a length of 2L and a cross-sectional area of 12A. What is the resistance of the second copper wire?
What is 4R
This is the amount of energy in joules that is produced when a proton is completely converted to energy.
What is 1.5 x 10-10 J