Fruit & Veggies
Healthy Habits
Energy Balance
Wild Card
How many servings of fruits & vegetables should you eat each day?
What is 6-10 servings.
Eating ______ results often in a leaner body, lower cholesterol count and less change of overeating. 1. Breakfast 2. Lunch 3. Dinner 4. Snack
TRUE OR FALSE: Aerobic exercise is the fastest way for seniors to lose weight.
What is FALSE. Most seniors can lose weight faster through strength training than through aerobic exercise. Lifting weights helps to replace fat with muscle and speeds up metabolism.
What does a calorie measure?
What is ENERGY Calories are taken into the body from eating and drinking, then the body burns calories for energy.
This beverage provides no calories and is the best way to stay hydrated.
What is WATER!
TRUE OR FALSE: 1/3 lb stalk of broccoli contains more vitamin C than 204 apples.
What is TRUE!
TRUE OR FALSE: If you are having difficulties sleeping in the middle of the night, get out of bed and do something.
What is TRUE. Although it might seem strange, the best way to fall asleep if you are having difficulty is to get up and do something boring (reading a boring part of the newspaper, listen to relaxing music) repeat as needed.
Which of the following exercises will NOT help build bone and prevent fractures? 1. Swimming 2. Weight Lifting 3. Tennis 4. Walking 5. Bicycling
What is Swimming. Swimming or biking are excellent for a workout, but they don't build bone. To ward off osteoporosis AND prevent fractures, you need exercise in which you stay on your feet and support your own weight. Ex. Walking, jogging, dancing, etc.
What type of fat is a healthy fat? 1. Trans Fat 2. Saturated Fat 3. Unsaturated Fat 4. Pork Fat
What is UNSATURATED FATS. They are usually liquid at room temperature. Examples: Nuts, Fish, Olive and Vegetable Oils, Avocado
Which type of milk has the most protein, vitamins and minerals? 1. Skim (Fat-Free) 2. Whole 3. They have the same amount
What is they have the same amount! Lower fat milks contain the same amount of vitamins, minerals and protein as whole milk. Whole milk simply contains more saturated fat and calories.
TRUE OR FALSE: Apples float in water because they are mostly air.
What is TRUE! Apples are 25% air which causes them to float in water.
TRUE OR FALSE: Exercise is not that important until you are middle aged and your metabolism gets slower and you begin to gain weight.
What is FALSE! Exercise releases endorphins-chemicals that make you feel calmer and more relaxed AND lift your mood!
How often should you be doing some form of aerobic exercise each week?
What is at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes at a time.
Whole grains are important because they supply our body with_____________, which helps with heart health and digestions.
Fast Food meals often contain high amounts of what 2 nutrients?
What is Saturated Fat and Sodium.
How many seeds are on the outside of a Strawberry?
What is 200 According to the Pennsylvania Nutrition Education Tracks "Eat.Right.On" nutrition guide.
Drinking a glass of _____ first thing every morning gets your organs going, has major anti-fungal, immune boosting and detoxification properties.
What is lukewarm water with lemon (and cayenne pepper if you dare!)
So you are 75 lbs. overweight and you want to lose it. About how much time should you allow to remove this weight safely and hopefully keep it off?
What is 1 YEAR. Most studies suggest that a safe combination of exercise and nutrition should yield a loss of 1 to 2 lbs. per week. That should indicate a time period of 37 weeks to 75 weeks to accomplish this goal. Losing 75 lbs. in 6 months would be a rate of 3 lbs. per week and would not be advisable.
Carbohydrates are a great source of energy. Name the two types of carbohydrates.
What is SIMPLE & COMPLEX. Simple: Sweet treats, milk and watermelon. Complex: Bread, beans and potatoes.
TRUE OR FALSE: People over the age of 50 start to lose their dislike for foods that taste bitter.
What is TRUE!
Which contains more fiber per serving? Raspberries or Apples
What is Raspberries.
In what circumstance might you use the 2/30 rule?
What is watching TV. According to Reader’s Digest, a large-scale study of over 9000 people found that those who watched more than two hours of TV a day ate more, while downing more sugary sodas and high-fat, high-cal, processed snack foods than those who watched less. Try following the 2/30 rule: limit TV to two hours a day, and be sure to get in 30 minutes of exercise.
When walking or running on a road, you should face the oncoming traffic.
What is TRUE This allows you to see oncoming vehicles, move out of their way and keep and eye on them. Running with traffic is dangerous since you cannot see, or avoid, vehicles coming too close to you. When bicycling, however, you are required to ride WITH the traffic since the bicycle is a vehicle subject to traffic laws.
Name three nutrients that supply us with calories.
What is Carbohydrates, Protein and Fat.
Which piece of clothing/equipment is the most important in preventing sports injuries?
What is SHOES. The American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society recommends that if you participate in a certain type of exercise or sport three times a week or more, you should buy shoes specific to that activity. Improper footwear can cause ankle strain and fractures, bunions and corns, and pain in the foot. Proper shoes lessen the impact of your step and sport-specific shoes can improve performance by, for instance, enabling quick changes in direction when playing racquet sports