Reasons for Post High School Education
LUHS Fun Facts
Things you don't want to miss
$1,100 a week vs. $638 per week
What is the difference in average weekly salary between a person with a college diploma and a high school diploma. In other words, a college grad averages about $18,000 a year more. If a 22 year old works for 40 years, that could mean a difference of $720,000 in a lifetime.
A block where students will meet in a small group with one teacher for 30 minutes every day.
What is Advisory?
October 15
What is the night of our first Athlete/Parent Dinner? We'll have a dinner followed by a presentation of educational opportunities for athletes.
In 2009: 4 million more
What is the difference of the number of unemployed h.s. grads vs college grads in the nation? The unemployment rate of 25-34 year old college grads is 1/3 of the total number of unemployed hs grads.
Students can use this pathway to learn more about something they're really interested in. They plan with their counselor AND they can get credit for their work!
What is an Independent Study?
September 17th from 6:30-8:30 and September 18 from 9-11 AM.
What is The New England College Fair? This free Fair is open to all Vermont students and parents and you'll have the chance to meet with 350 college admissions representatives. It will be from 6-9 PM at UVM's Patrick Gym. FREE!
71 % vs. 26%
This is the great time to start a new tradition. 71% of students who have a 1 parent who went to college will apply to college. Students who will be the first in their family to apply, apply at a rate of 26 out of 100. Let's work together to bring this number up.
There are over 20 of these open for every student with every interest. Clue: Have a son/daughter who likes to argue?
What are LUHS Clubs & organizations. From the Debate Team to the Alternative Fiction Club to the Peer Support Team - there's something for everyone. Encourage your student to get involved!
September 24th
When is the LUHS Open House. Not only are you invited, we need you to come to make this a special event.
Champlain College, Johnson State College, UVM, College Pathways at Lyndon State College.
What are some campuses we took field trips to last year with students and parents.
Besides Brian, this person knows everything about LUHS and goes by the humble title of Registrar. Some parents have her number on speed dial! 851-1203
Who is Christine Cooney.
November 12
What is your chance to sit down and talk with your child's teachers? Come to Parent Conferences! The conversation is better with you!
You need to get in touch with a teacher or talk to your child's counselor. You look here first!
What is the LUHS webpage! There is a complete staff directory, updated calendar, information about curriculum...everything you need to stay up to date and in touch.
Facebook, Twitter
What are ways LUHS reaches out to keep you informed?