What Kind of Book is the Bible?
Uniqueness of the Bible and Inspiration
Old and New Testament Canon
The Apocrypha
Facts You Should Know
The Bible is mostly about ?
About how many authors wrote the Bible Name two of them
More than 40 authors wrote the Bible. Peter (fishermen) is one them and Matthew (tax collector) .
What two parties does the process of canonization involve?
What two parties does the process of canonization involve? 1. The author 2. The church or the people of God
What is the Apocrypha?
This is where all the hidden material can be found in , if it's not in the canon.
Why are there problems in understanding the Bible and it's text?
Since the New testament was written over 2,000 years ago and the Old Testament is older.
What is the bible about and why was it written?
1. God's love affair with his people, his most unique creation. 2. Answers may vary. ( to impact us and change our lives)
What three languages was the Bible written in? How many total books are there ? Bonus points for those who can name the two major division and how many books are in those!
Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic are the 3 languages the Bible was written in. There are a total of 66 books , 39 in the old testament and 27 in the new testament.
What does the Old Testament canon start with? Explain in a brief description.
It started out with Moses. Moses received the ten commandments from God . Then he wrote them down. Then people accepted his writings as authoritative.
What is LXX and what does it mean ?What was it written in ?
LXX is the Septuagint , it means 70 and it was written in greek. The Apocrypha was part of the bible that was called LXX.
Name two differences in the past than today? (ex:food) What do these difference do to us as Christians?
1. Differences in our culture 2. Difference in the language 3 . Differences in common knowledge These differences cause problems of understanding the bible.
Define the word Salvation History.
This is a term that refers to the series of historical events that are specific acts of God to save his people.
Name two-three division of the old and new testament.
Old- Torah/Pentateuch, History, Poetry & wisdom, and prophets New- Gospel & Acts, Epistles, and Revelation
Name the three stages Old Testament canon happened in? (Name at least one if you can't name all three, I know you guys haven't studied yet).
1. The law 2. The Prophets 3. The writings
The apocrypha was written between ?
Old & New Testament
What is the key to understanding the Bible?
What is the key to understanding the Bible? First it is to understand it's own context and the bring that truth into today.
The bible is didactic, and influence how we live. What does the word didactic mean ? How does it relate to the bible?
Didactic means to instruct. This relates to the bible because the bible instructs us on how to lead and be followers of Christ.
Each biblical author expressed the Word of God out of what 3 things ( personal experience)?
1. Personality 2. Language and Grammar 3. Historical contexts
What does the term extra-biblical mean?
This applies to any text that is not the bible. These are sources that help to illuminate or explain portions of the bible.
Which group does not consider the Apocrypha to be scripture?
Without faith in Jesus as our Savior we cannot understand the Bible. Why is this?
This is because we need the Holy Spirit to teach us what what would otherwise be impossible to understand.
Why doesn't the Bible mention dinosaurs & other archaeological or scientific facts?
It's not a relevant part of God's autobiography to explain pre-history and science.
SCRIPTURE IS.. ? (Name the 4 things that were listed in your packet)
1. authoritative 2. Universal 3. Sac 4. Formative
What are the 4 criteria the early church fathers used to determine the canoncity of the New Testament? Name two for half credit.
Name two for half credit. 1. Content 2. Authorship 3. Catholicity 4. Spirtual
What language was the Apocrypha in ? What wasn't it considered?
It was written in Roman Catholic and it wasn't considered to be on the same level as the "rest" of Scripture.
In the Bible there were eight images the Bible used to describe itself. Name at least 4.
In the Bible there were eight images the Bible used to describe itself. Name at least 4. 1.Seed 2. Sword 3. Food 4.Milk 5. Hammer 6.Lamp 7. Fire 8. Mirror