Numbers & Symbols
Different Rows
Keyboard Questions
Typing Technique
Guess The Key
List all the numbers on the keyboard.
What is 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0
What row is the letter "A" on? (ONLY COUNTING THE ROWS WITH LETTERS. THAT'S 3 ROWS)
What is the 2nd row
Why is it important to know how to type?
(answers may vary)
Where should your fingers ALWAYS start when you're beginning to type?
What is Home row
What Key is on the home row, has a bump on it, and is on the left of the letter "g"
What is F
What numbers on the keyboard, are the parenthesis on?
What is 9 and 0.
List the first 3 LETTERS of each row on the keyboard.
What is Row 1: q,w,e Row 2: a,s,d Row 3: z,x,c
List 4 Careers that include typing.
(answers will vary) Ex: Computer Programmer, Journalist, Personal Assistant, Receptionist, and Market Research Manager.
True or False? Meghan is really tired because she went to bed at 2 am face-timing her friends. The next day while she is typing her essay, she slouches. Meghan continues to do this because she knows this is correct. Explain the correct way if it's false. Or if it's true than answer "What is True"
What is False. Meghan should sit up straight like she's in a fancy restaurant.
What keys are 5 letters after the the shift key. (Don't count the shift key)
What is b and n
List the symbols on the number keys 1,2,3,4 and 5.
What is !:1, @:2, #:3, $:4, %:5
List all the letters that are on the first row of the keyboard.
What is q,w,e,r,t,y,u,i,o,p
Why would you need keyboarding skills in certain jobs?
What is write emails, letters, create presentations, and do your job.
True or False. Meredith's computer screen is leaning really close to the keyboard. That would be the correct way for Meredith to type. Explain the correct way if it's false. Or if it's true than answer "What is True"
What is False. Meredith's screen should be directly in front of her eyes. :D
What number key is this symbol on:*
What is 8
Name the number keys the following symbols are on @,^,*,$
What is 2,6,8,4
List the letters that are on the second and third row of the keyboard. (ONLY LETTERS)
What is Row 2: a,s,d,f,g,h,j,k,l Row 3: z,x,c,v,b,n,m
How many special keys (space bar, shift, etc.) are there on a CHROME BOOK keyboard. You can repeat the keys if they're on the keyboard twice. DON'T INCLUDE THE ARROWS & THE VERY TOP ROW(with keys like esc, brightness, etc)!! :D
What is 11.
What are the keys do your fingers start on. (list the keys) There is a bonus point.
What is a, s,d, f, j, k, l, :/; (100 more points if you said space bar too)
What key has 2 symbols on the row with numbers, that you can use in a math problem?
+ and =. Its the key to the left of the backspace
List all the symbols on the number keys backwards.
What is ),(,*,&,^,%,$,#,@,!
List at at least 2 of the punctuation and/or the special keys (like shift...) on every row. (IF THERE IS ONE SPECIAL KEY THAN THAT'S OKAY)
What is Row 1: tab, [,{,],],\,\ Row 2: search, ;: ' " enter Row 3: shift ,< .> /? shift
How many letter and punctuation keys are there on the rows with only letters.
What is 34
What two keys on the keyboard have little bumps on them. (Hint: Think about what you learn in Typing Club)
What is F and J
What key is under your middle finger on your right hand, when you're fingers are on home row.
What is k