Acts as the transportation medium for hormones
What is Blood
Type 1 DM can occur as early as ______ of birth
What is 6 months
Type 1 and 2 DM are form of …?
What is Polygenic
The major cause of Cirrhosis is
What is Alcohol
Rotating injection sites when administering insulin prevents which of the following complications? A Insulin edema B Insulin lipodystrophy C Insulin resistance D Systemic allergic reaction
What is Answer is B .. Insulin lipodystrophy produces fatty masses at the injection sites, causing unpredictable absorption of insulin injected into these sites. http://nurseslabs.com/
Secretes the hormone that controls Vasopressin and anti diuretic hormone
What is Posterior Pituitary gland
MODY and NDM are rare kind of diabetes in kids and can be called
What is monogenic
Rebound high blood glucose level in response to low blood glucose
What is Somogyi’s phenomenon
Which of the following is a life threatening acute complication of diabetes mellitus? A. Neuropathy B. Hypoglycemia C. Retinopathy D. Impaired microcirculation
What is B
For a male client with hyperglycemia, which assessment finding best supports a nursing diagnosis of Deficient fluid volume? a. Cool, clammy skin b. Distended neck veins c. Increased urine osmolarity d. Decreased serum sodium level
What is C. In hyperglycemia, urine osmolarity increases as glucose particles move into the urine. The client experiences glucosuria and polyuria, nclexreviewers.com/
Deficiency Anti Diuretic Hormone
What is causes diabetes insipidus
Diagnostic test to confirm the presence of diabetes in Hemoglobin
What is A1C
This is characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity, causing abdominal swelling
What is Ascites
A client asks the nurse if her weight would be considered a health risk. According to the height-weight table, the client is 10 pounds overweight. Which of the following would be an appropriate response for the nurse to make to this client? A Yes, this weight puts you at risk for developing heart disease. B Let’s measure your waist size and use the calipers before figuring that out. C No, 10 pounds are nothing to be concerned about. D Yes, and you should diet to lose those 10 pounds as soon as possible.
What is b Rationale: Use of a height-weight table has limits as a sole indicator of weight status. Differences in body composition go largely unaccounted for so the nurse must remember to assess each person for individual differences.
A client in the clinic is complaining of developing “lots of blocked pores that look yellow” around his eyes. After inspecting these areas, the nurse realizes this client might be demonstrating: A Signs of a low vitamin C level. b Signs of an elevated cholesterol level. c Signs of a low vitamin K level. d Signs of an elevated blood glucose level.
What is B Yellow subdermal fat deposits around the eyelids are termed xanthelasma and can indicate a high cholesterol level.
Cushing and Addison’s diseases are as a result of malfunction of
What is Adrenal cortex
The 3 main signs of type 1 diabetes are
What is Polyuria, Polydipsia and polyphagia
Your patient has a blood potassium level of 9.2 mEq/L. What intervention should you anticipate for this patient? A. Intravenous potassium supplementation B. Intravenous calcium supplementation C. Kidney dialysis D. Parenteral nutrition
What is C? Rationale: The normal potassium level is 3.7 to 5.2 mEq/L. A patient with a blood potassium level of 9.2 mEq/L is affected with severe hyperkalemia which can be life threatening.
Q 7 To ensure a complete nutritional assessment, the nurse tells the client that laboratory tests will need to be done. Which of the following would be the most appropriate for this assessment? A he client needs a complete blood count and cholesterol level drawn. B The client needs a chest x-ray and ECG completed. C The client needs a DEXA scan and cholesterol level drawn. D There are no individual laboratory tests to assess nutritional status. This nurse is mistaken
What is D No one laboratory test is unique in its ability to predict nutritional status. Laboratory values may not reflect current known nutritional status as plasma components vary.
A client who is undernourished is seen in the clinic for an infected foot wound. The nurse realizes this client is at continued risk for: A Ongoing infections B Elevated iron level C Elevated albumin level D The development of type 2 diabetes
What is A Client with malnourishment or undernourishment can develop a depressed immune system. Immunocompetence means the person cannot fight infections. http://nurseslabs.com/
Malfunction of ……… can cause Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
What is Pancreas
An abnormal early-morning increase in blood sugar (glucose)
What is Dawn phenomenon
The nurse knows that glucagon may be given in the treatment of hypoglycemia because it: a Inhibits gluconeogenesis b Stimulates the release of insulin c Increases blood glucose levels d Provides more storage of glucose
What is c Glucagon, an insulin antagonist produced by the alpha cells in the islets of langerhans, leads to the conversion of glycogen to glucose in the liver. nclexreviewers.com
The most common cause of hyperaldosteronism? a. Excessive sodium intake b. A pituitary adenoma c. Deficient potassium intake d. An adrenal adenoma
What is D. An autonomous aldosterone-producing adenoma is the most common cause of hyperaldosteronism. Aldosterone secretion is independent of sodium and potassium intake as well as of pituitary stimulation.
Nurse Oliver should expect a client with hypothyroidism to report which health concerns? a. Increased appetite and weight loss b. Puffiness of the face and hands c. Nervousness and tremors d. Thyroid gland swelling
What is B. Hypothyroidism (myxedema) causes facial puffiness, extremity edema, and weight gain.