Academic Integrity/Polices
Seeing your Advisor
Center for Internships/ Access Ability Services
Health/Counseling Services
Using the same research paper for two separate classes is considered acceptable
What is nah, that is considered improper behavior
Which advisor provides you with your Registration code
What is Faculty Advisor
what is the name of the personality test recommended to take by the Center for Internships/Careers
What is Typefocus
Health Insurance is required to be able to use the Health Services offered by Eastern
What is nah
If you do not pass FYI 100 within your first semester, do not be alarmed, it is okay to take it at any point in your college career.
What is NAH, BE ALARMED. This course must be taken within the first 30 credits
Your registration code is a 7 digit code that gives you the ability to obtain your required classes during the registration period
What is no, it is a 6 digit code
The best time to start looking for internships that match your skill set is your Senior Year
What is no, the sooner the better! The latest you should have your first internship is the summer before senior year.
How much does it cost each time you schedule an appointment with Health Services
What is ZERO DOLLHAIRS. utilize it as often as necessary
How many courses can you place on Credit/No Credit throughout your 4 years at Eastern
What is 4 classes
Provide 3 ways to obtain your registration code from your advisor
What is email, phone, or in person during their office hours
Provide two reasons one might use the Access Ability Services Center
What is many answers to this
Eastern Alumni are welcome to schedule an appointment with CAPS
What is no, only undergraduate and graduate students can use the facility
What are 3 of the 4 types of Academic Misconduct
What is Plagiarism, Examination ( cheating/Copying) behavior, falsification of information
if your registration date is Monday, March 1st, when should you schedule your meeting with your advisor for the code necessary to register ?
What is 1 week prior to the registration date
True or False: Everyone is able to utilize the services offered by the Office of Access Ability Service.
What is False
How many years are your medical records kept on Eastern's file before being deleted
What is 7 years
Fill in the Blank. If you receive a ____ or lower you may retake the course and put the higher grade toward your GPA
What is C-
Provide an example of an email with proper etiquette to send to your Advisor asking to schedule a meeting for the registration code including the Salutation and closing statement
What is many answers may apply
What is the URL for the search engine provides career and internship options that match up with your skills, interests, values, and personality
Provide three situations where someone may wish to seek external help from Counseling Services
What is many answers may apply