Is it a Safe Schools Violation or breaking the Classroom Rules
Is it a Safe Schools Violation or Breaking the Classroom rules
True or False
Is this a Safe Schools Violation or not?
Expected Behaviors
Problem Solving
What is frequent, flagrant, or willful disobedience?
What is a safe schools violation?
What is not turning in your work?
What is breaking the classroom rules
True or False Talking in class in a normal voice is a safe schools violation
What is False
What am I supposed to do when I become so escalated I can't stand it in a classroom, library, art, computer class, or gym?
What is I tell my teacher I'm going to Mrs. Packer's room and go straight there and don't stop in the hall
When I become frustrated I decide what number the problem is from 1-10 and then I
What is "Match my Reaction to the Size of the Problem."
Talking out in class in a normal voice (sometimes an excited voice)
What is breaking the classroom rules?
What is screaming at another student, or raising your voice?
What is a Safe School Violation
True or False--An unreasonable and substantial disruption of a class is a Safe Schools Violation, and you could be suspended.
What is True
What can I do to calm myself with pressure and stay in my chair in my classroom?
What is pushing up on the sides of my chair to generate pressure.
A reaction to a medium-sized problem like losing your homework, or not understanding how to do your work could be solved by
What is "Walking calmly up to your teacher and asking for help."
What is telling your principal you won't get up off the floor and walk to her office?
What is a safe schools violation under defiance of proper authority?
What is intimidating another student by getting too close to his face?
What is a Safe Schools Violation
True or False--Hitting another student with your lunchbox when they are bugging you in the lunchroom or sitting too close is a Safe School Violation
What is True
What can I do with my breathing to calm myself down in a classroom situation so no one notices?
What is taking a big breath in through my nose, tightening my muscles and then letting it out slowly through my mouth while counting to 5 and relaxing my muscles.
A reaction to a small problem is often to compare it to bigger problems. One reaction to a small problem like losing a board game may be;
What is telling yourself everyone has good moments and bad moments. And then stay cheerful
What is getting out of your seat without permission but staying standing up?
What is breaking the classroom rules.
What is bringing weapons to school?
What is a Safe Schools Violation
True or False-- Not doing what any teacher in the school asks you to do is a Safe Schools Violation
What is True, because that is defiance of proper authority.
What percentage of assignments does my teacher expect me to turn in during December to earn my mystery motivator?
What is 50% or above
Looking at someone you like to be with and smiling with a pleasant face is
What is Matching your reaction to how you feel about the person so they know you like them.
What is pushing desks over?
What is an unreasonable and substantial disruption of a class.
What is rolling on the floor so that a teacher cannot teach her class?
What is a Safe Schools Violation under substantial disruption to the class
True or False--Yelling at another student to do things the way you want them done, or the way the teacher wants them done is a Safe Schools Violation
What is True, because it is verbal aggression and intimidation.
What am I supposed to do instead of arguing with an authority figure (that is all teachers and other adults in the school) when they make a request?
What is say "OK" and do what I am told right away, within 5-10 seconds.
Walking out of the room when you don't want to listen to a teacher anymore, or telling a teacher to stop talking about something could be solved by saying.
What is requesting in a nice voice that it is becoming too much for you, and when the teacher wants to see if you understand the rules, you repeat them back to her so she knows that you heard her correctly.