Principles of Government
Three Branches of Government
Supreme Court Cases
Elections and the Political Process
Wild Card
The date and year the Declaration of Independence was signed
What is July 4, 1776
The way that the total number of Senators is selected
What is two per state
This case established that prayer cannot be mandatory for all in a public school setting
What is Engel v. Vitale?
This process involves rearranging voting districts in a way to disadvantage certain voters
What is gerrymandering
This is the total number of Congressional districts in the state of Tennessee
What is 9?
The "nickname" given to the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution
What is the Bill of Rights
Must be 25 years old, a citizen for 7 years, and a resident of the state being represented
What are qualifications for the House of Representatives
This case established the right to have an attorney appointed for you if you cannot afford one yourself
What is Gideon v. Wainwright?
This is an election before the "main election" where voters will select one person from a political party by openly discussing and debating the candidates before voting
What is a caucus?
These are the names of the 2 Senators from the state of Tennessee
Who are Bob Corker and Lamar Alexander?
This document was considered to be too weak because it granted the majority of power to the states, did not give the federal government a way to collect taxes, and did not provide for an army or a navy
What is the Articles of Confederation?
This the total number of Supreme Court justices (which are appointed by the President)
What is 9
This case from the late 1800s involved a man being asked to move from a whites-only train car and established that separate facilities are acceptable as long as they are equal
What is Plessy v. Ferguson?
This is the term that means changing the total number of representatives that govern a state or region
What is reapportionment?
Unlike original jurisdiction, this kind of jurisdiction allows a case to be heard for a second or third time
What is appellate jurisdiction?
The five freedoms/rights granted under the 1st Amendment
What are speech, press, petition, religion, assembly
The number of electoral votes it takes to win a presidential election
What is 270?
This case prohibited interrogating suspects and protected them from self-incrimination by providing them the right to remain silent under the 5th Amendment
What is Miranda v. Arizona
This group differs from a political party because they tend to focus specifically on one issue and they do not seek to attain office
What is an interest group?
This term means that government can take your property for government use if they provide you just compensation
What is eminent domain?
This foundational document from 1215 was an English charter that focused on limiting the power of the unfair king
What is the Magna Carta
The War Powers Act of 1973 required this of two of our branches of government
What is the President get permission/authorization from Congress to go to war
This case from the 1970s, revolving around a controversy within the U.S. government, set strict guidelines for executive privilege
What is U.S. v. Nixon
This is an organization that raises money privately to influence elections
What is a political action committee (PAC)
This term means that judges will avoid using their own personal biases in making decisions
What is judicial restraint?