Macbeth Quotes
Macbeth Plot
Tragic Hero or Theme
VFA 1-5
"Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and caldron bubble." a) Macbeth b) the witches c) Banquo's ghost d) Lady Macbeth
Who are the witches?
Who is Macbeth's major nemesis?
Who is Macduff!?
Explain how the concept of "fatal flaw" applies to a tragic hero.
What is a "fatal flaw" ensures the tragic hero will fall victim to his flaw because it is an essential personality trait and impacts how he responds to the world at large?
Because she posted a photo of herself on the beach after calling in sick, her supervisor said she was ___________ . a. contingent b. ascertaining c. modulating d. malingering
What is d) malingering?
What is an example of FORESHADOWING in Macbeth?
What is (answers will vary)?
Thou hast it now – King, Cawdor, Glamis, all As the Weird Women promised, and I fear Thou played’st most foully for’t. (3.1) a) Macbeth b) Macduff c) Banquo e) Banquo f) Lady Macbeth
Who is Banquo?
1. Macbeth hires murderers to kill a. Malcolm and Donalbain b. Macduff and Lennox c. Ross and Siward d. Banquo and Fleance 2. State whether or not they are successful.
Who are d) Banquo and Fleance? They are only successful at killing Banquo.
Which of the following characters is NOT a tragic hero? a) Jay Gatsby (The Great Gatsby) b) Severus Snape (Harry Potter series) c) The Joker (Batman) d) Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars)
Who is c) the Joker?
The presenter's use of large vocabulary words and complex ideas __________ his young students. a) impressed b) enlightened c) bewildered d) none of the above
What is c) bewildered?
Which of these is a paradox in Macbeth? a) "Lesser than Macbeth, and greater. Not so happy, yet much happier." b) "Is this a dagger which I see before me, The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee." c)"I heard the owl scream and the crickets cry." e) "Still it cried, 'Sleep no more!' to all the house." Define paradox.
What is a) "Lesser than Macbeth and greater..." What is a paradox is self-contradictory; say one thing but it means another...?
"Your face, my Thane, is as a book where men May read strange matters." (1.5) a) Macduff b) Old Siward c) Lady Macbeth d) Lady Macduff
Who is Lady Macbeth?
Why happens to the original Thane of Cawdor? Who gets his title?
What is he is executed for treason against the king, and the title goes to Macbeth (Thane of Glamis and now also Thane of Cawdor).
Provide a theme statement for Macbeth and use two pieces from the play to defend your answer.
Good vs Evil Greed Corruption Fallibility etc.
The abstemious eater avoided eating at the all-you-can-eat buffet. TRUE OR FALSE ?
What is TRUE?
"Humanity has the capacity for great evil when his power goes unchecked." Apply this to Macbeth, Lord of the Flies, or any piece of literature you have read.
What is (answers vary)?
"To show an unfelt sorrow is an office Which the false man does easy. I’ll to England.” (2.3) a) Malcolm b) Donalbain c) Ross d) Macduff
Who is a) Malcolm?
Lady Macbeth reveals secrets to both her servants and a visiting doctor when she is doing this...
What is sleepwalking?
Provide a definition for theme? Explain how theme is identified in a story.
What is theme is a generalized, universal message about life / humanity; it is found when the reader INFERS meaning from the text using plot, conflict, and character traits.
The teacher tried in vain to get her lazy student to complete his research paper. a) with frustration b) with success c) with anger d) without success
What is d) without success?
Define each of these words. a) Ruminate b) Circumvent
What is a) To think deeply about / to chew food? b) To avoid or escape through clever skill / manuevering?
"Let every soldier hew him down a (tree) bough And bear’t before him. Thereby shall we shadow The numbers of our host and make discovery Err in report of us.” (Act 5.4) a) Malcolm b) Macbeth c) Donalbain d) Banquo
What is Malcolm?
According to the witches, no man can kill Macbeth EXCEPT their ends up being a loophole in this prophecy... EXPLAIN.
What is no man born of woman (natural birth) except man born of "c-section?"
Define three characteristics of a tragic hero
What is he has a major character flaw, he starts of good (admirable), and he is of high rank, he becomes aware of his downfall BEFORE it happens?
Define "shirk." Use "shirk(ed)" in a proper sentence.
What is ... When the student decided to watch TV instead of doing his homework, he shirked his responsibilities. ?
When a character in a play talks to directly to the audience to reveal his inner thoughts this is this called the following...
What is soliloquy?