I'm Gucci!
Say No Mo'
Some insects can go without food for half a year. Others can stay under water for a week and not be harmed. Some can be frozen stiff and then be all right. One bug was known to live for a year after its head was cut off. (1 point) A.Why insects like the cold B. What some insects can stand C. How an insect lost its head
B. What some insects can stand
1. Based on the information in paragraph 4 what generalization cane be made?
B. Background information about the Game Boy portable video game system
DOL: Based on information in the article, the reader can infer that-
C. Toy Hall of Fame toys have been popular with many generations of kids.
The next time you come face to face with a mouse, take a good look at it. Isn't the mouse a sleek and beautiful little creature? Look at its bright and lively eyes. How wide awake the little mouse looks! How well formed it is! How quickly it moves! A. Why mice run around so fast B. How to trap a mouse C.What makes a mouse so good-looking
C.What makes a mouse so good-looking
DOL: Which statement from the article best supports the idea that toys do not have to be high-tech to be inducted into the Toy Hall of Fame?
A. The ball, arguably the most popular plaything of all time, has finally earned a place inside a glass case at the National Toy Hall of Fame in New York.
Canned snake meat has been sold in a few stores for a long time. Now people are beginning to buy more of it. Cattle raisers say they may begin to raise snakes as well as cattle. Who knows? You may soon be enjoying a tasty snake burger! A. What snake meat looks like B. How snake meat tastes C. What is happening to snake meat
C. What is happening to snake meat
3. The reader can infer that the Game Boy was different from the video game systems before it because-
C. Unlike any previous game systems, the Game Boy allowed more than one player to compete in a single game.
2. Based on the information from the article, the reader can infer that-
D.Mr. Potato Head has undoubtedly been around for years but is still well known and popular.