History of Atoms
Subatomic Particles
Know your elements
The Ancient Greeks thought that everything was made up of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. Later, the same term was used to represent the items on the Periodic Table
What is an element
Bit by a radioactive spider? After five movies and more to come, everybody knows this guy
Who is Spiderman
This particle within an atom has mass and a positive charge
What is a proton
Criminals of Gotham mourn the day that some street punk shot this superhero's billionaire parents.
Who is Batman
This rare and valuable metal has the atomic symbol of Au.
What is Gold
Dalton discovered that while some types of matter, like gold, could not be reduced into other materials, other types of matter, like water, could be (Hydrogen and Oxygen). He called these latter types this
What is a compound
An Android created by Ultron. In the comics, it was for the purpose of battling Henry Pym. In the movie, it was to act as a perfect body.
Who is Vision
This particle within an atom has mass, but it has no electric charge
What is a neutron
In the early comics, this Amazon princess wore indestructible bracers that could deflect bullets, flew in an invisible jet, and would wrap her enemies in a lasso of truth. in more recent versions she has traded her jet for the ability to fly, her bracers for a shield and her lasso for a sword.
Who is Wonder Woman
Essential for human life, this gas has an atomic number of 8.
What is Oxygen
Thomson determined that atoms were made up of smaller particles. He was able to determine this because he found that atoms can have a positive and/or a negative this
What is a charge
This dark super hero wears an iconic black suit with a white skull. He wages a one man war against organized crime with military grade weaponry.
Who is the Punisher
This particle within an atom has a mass that is a tiny fraction of other particles, but it does have a negative charge
What is an electron
Only four things can stop this superhero... magic, a rock, a different color of sunlight, and his own confounded sense of morality
Who is Superman
One of two metals that make up the core of the Earth, this element contains 28 protons
What is Nickel
Rutheford's experiment with gold showed that while some alpha particles passed through the gold, other particles were deflected. This was evidence that within the atom was a dense center, which was called this
What is a nucleus
This shiny superhero rides a surfboard through space. His previous job description included scouting the universe for planets teeming with life and preparing them to be devoured by an ancient entity known as Galactus
Who is the Silver Surfer
This characteristic of atoms determines what kind of element it is... it also represents the amount of protons in the atom
What is the atomic number
Nobody knows where this super villain came from. He has no powers, he has no special defenses, but his sadistic and psychotic homicidal genius make him one of the most dangerous foes in the DC universe... if not the funniest.
Who is the Joker
Whatever Terbium is, it has an atomic weight of this...
What is 158.93
The Greek word for indivisible, or uncut
What is atomos, or atom
The most dangerous enemy in the Marvel Universe. He wears powered armor stronger than Iron man, wields magic that compares with Doctor Strange, and is as smart as Mr. Fantastic. His presence and dark green cape provided George Lucas with the inspiration to create Darth Vader
Who is Doctor Doom
This characteristic of an atom represents the number of protons and neutrons combined within the atom.
What is the atomic mass or atomic weight
This bald headed super villain chose the wrong superhero to be his arch enemy. How do you defeat someone who is practically indestructible. The answer? Pure, diabolical genius and limitless resources.
Who is Lex Luthor
The initials for this element are the same as the abbreviation for an emergency room, but its name on the periodic table is this.
What is Erbium