Research Skills
Hodge Podge
In the Library
The two words printed on the top of each page in a dictionary.
What are guide words?
This word gives you the definition (meaning) of a word.
What is a dictionary?
Failing to give credit to others for their ideas, pictures, research, etc. Copying (stealing) from others and passing it off as your own work.
What is plagiarism?
An alphabetical listing of all topics usually found in the back of a non-fiction book.
What is the index?
Shelved by the Dewey Number and the first three letters of the authors last name.
What are nonfiction books?
Between the brackets. EXAMPLE of dictionary entry: de-ter-mine [di tur'min] verb 1. to find out or ascertain something, usually after investigation. 2. to decide or settle something conclusively 3. to influence or give form to something 4. to fix the limits or form of something
Where is the correct pronunciation of the word shown in a dictionary?
This book gives you synonyms for words and helps you to be a better writer.
What is a Thesaurus?
The first thing you should do when writing a research paper?
What is brainstorm a topic?
This printed source contains annual weather information.
What is an almanac?
Your student ID number (aka your lunch number).
What do you need to type into the computer to check out a book? (Will also accept how to log in to Destiny.)
ABC order
How are words listed in a dictionary?
This set of books is normally printed in many volumes from A - Z and contains information about a variety of topics.
What is an encyclopedia?
This step comes after you have decided on a topic and selected the resources you will use when writing a research paper.
What is read and take notes?
These short stories always have a moral (lesson)?
What are fables?
This genre contains a futuristic story line often involving technology.
What is science fiction?
Correct spelling, pronunciation, origin, plural forms, synonyms, antonyms, part of speech, and additional meanings.
Besides a definition of the word, what other information can a dictionary provide for a word?
This printed resource contains maps, but may also contain other information such as the population of cities and countries.
What is an atlas?
The reason databases, such as Galileo, PebbleGo, and FactCite are better for students to use to find reliable information on the Internet than Google.
What is because someone (a fact checker) has verified the information? (Will also accept - What is the fact that anyone can post anything on the Internet and no one checks the information?)
Tales that often have dragons, elves, gnomes, trolls, giants, witches or other imaginary animals or people.
What are Fairytales?
These true (nonfiction) books use the last three letters of the name of the person the book is about - instead of the authors last name - on the spine label. (call number)
What are biographies?
This is like a mini dictionary and is often found in the back of non-fiction books.
What is a glossary?
An annual publication that contains a wealth of information about the forthcoming year. Weather predictions, best dates for planting crops, dates of eclipses, times of tides,world records, population statistics, recipes, religious feasts, holiday information, and even predictions about trends in technology and fashion can be found in this book.
What is an almanac?
This would be the best place to get information on a recent scientific discovery.
What is the Internet?
This tells you what page each chapter begins on.
What is the table of contents?
Online Patron Access Catalog or OPAC
What is the "fancy" name for our Destiny?