Understanding Language
Problem solving
What is the word that describes that humans have the ability to talk about the future or the past
What is Displacement
true or false; we do not use the prototype approach as a means of comparing stimuli by comparing characteristics.
What is False
True or False: We have a larger receptive than expressive vocabulary
true or false; insight is a gradual realization of a process
What is False
Explain the Cough Experiment
} Warren & Warren } Replaced a single sound (phoneme) with a cough } "It was found that the *eel was on the shoe." (Heel) *cough sound } Context is extremely important when understanding what someone is saying
This is the smallest meaningful unit of words
What is Morphemes
Which of the following is NOT evidence for prototypes and exemplars? A) production tasks B) The exemplar prototype threshold task C) sentence verification D) thinking about categories
What is B
What is an example of a phoneme exchange? A. Fleeky Squoor B. Slicely thinned C. I have to fill up my gas with car
A: Fleeky Squoor
When you see objects only for their intended or usual use this is called A) typical use B) situation purpose C) intended function D) functional fixedness
What is D
What did the mashed potato experiment do? A)people were asked to imagine objects filled with mashed potatoes. B) As width increased they believed it was a bowl, if they were told about mashed potatoes people said it was a bowl C) the experiment showed that context and perimeters matter D)All of the above
What is D
Define Phonology
What is the study of the production and perception of language sounds
The ________ approach is a process in which a person compares stimuli to the standard category member
What is exemplar
What is it called when the meaning implied at the beginning of a sentence leads you astray?
Garden Path Sentences
To see things in a certain way instead of another way which is just as plausible, this is a ________
What is mental set.
what was it that the tumor experiment was looking at when it used its tumor problem and then provided the solution in the fortress passage?
What is A persons ability to transfer solutions from one problem to another.
Define Arbitrariness
What is the characteristic that means there is no connection between why a symbol (or word) means what it does
what are the three levels of categorization and are they the same for everybody?
Superordinate, basic, subordinate, no they vary with experience.
What is the difference between linguistic competence and linguistic performance?
Linguistic competence is the underlying linguistic knowledge that lets people produce and comprehend their language. Linguistic performance is people's actual use of the knowledge.
What are three tips for problem solving?
What is any of the following; sleep, reducing WM load, follow a systematic plan, develop sub goals, search for relations among problems, work backwards, find a different problem representation, draw inferences, practice.
What were the results of the Syntactic Priming Experiment?
The participants description matched the form of the confederate 78% of the time.
The study of word meanings
What is Semantics
Provide examples of a production task, sentence verification, and thinking about categories.
A production task would be like naming as many types of fruit as you could. The fist ones would match closely to your prototypes/exemplars sentence scarification is when researchers time true false answers to whether a sentence is correct. A robin(penguin) is a bird etc.. people answer more quickly when the item in question matches their prototype.exemplar more closely then if they were asked an obscure kind of bird. When subjects were asked to make up sentences with gaps they filled them in with words which fit most closely their prototypes/exemplars words which they believe to make sense. An example might be i fed birds in the park. I fed robins in the park makes more sense then penguins.
What do speech errors tell us?
That we anticipate what we are going to say next, and that we primarily focus on just one phrase at a time.
what's the difference between reproductive thinking and productive thinking, name one experiment which involves these.
What is reproductive thinking is when old behaviors are used to solve problems, and productive thinking is problem solving with a greater structural understanding of a problem. Experiments; insight experiment, and the tumor experiment, perhaps the sleep experiment.
Explain the Availability heuristic experiment
Participants in one condition were given a list or 12 famous men and 14 nonfamous women and in another condition they were given 12 famous women and 14 nonfamous men. In both conditions the participants said that there were more of the gender were the names were famous.