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What methods have you seen in your experiences in classrooms and speaking with teachers that are effective for ELLs?
Answers may vary. Mention ELP methods, cultural inclusion, family relations, use of native language, visuals, etc.
What are some key factors to consider when developing instructional programs for ELLs?
Answers may vary. Using student's native language, how much English to use, their culture, their family, their ELP, etc.
How many total students do you think are in the Johnston school district (2013-2014)? Explain.
What are ways in which teachers can make sure to effectively engage ELLs with the school curriculum?
Ensure attainment of proficiency in English- tailor instruction to the linguistic needs of the student, design lessons to help improve ELP each year, help student become redesignated as fluent English speaker, keep social and academic language intertwined, keep students out of mainstream classroom until proficient Equal access to core curriculum- same right to learn same material as English proficient students, may teach content in student's native language or through sheltered instruction (or combo of two), be transformative/allow ELLs to learn and use relevant content knowledge to challenge the UNEQUAL power relations in society that have impacted them, their families, and their communities, empower students to be able to advocate for themselves, AVOID ONE-SIZE-FITS ALL MENTALITY
What ELL programs incorporate content instruction in the native language?
Two-way immersion- Serve both ELLs who speak common native languages along with native English speakers. Goal of this are to gain high levels of first and second language proficiency, academic development, and cross-cultural understanding. Both languages are valued and developed in this environment, academic content is learned through two languages. Developmental Bilingual- Goal is for high levels of proficiency in English and students' native language with strong academic development. This program lasts around 5-6 years. Also known as "late-exit" or maintenance bilingual education. Transitional Bilingual ("early-exit")-academic instruction is in native language while learning English. As the English proficiency develops, students move to all English and/or mainstream classes. Usually after 1-3 years. Newcomer programs- Recent arrivals to the U.S., for students who have no or low English proficiency and limited literacy in their native language. These programs exist in elementary schools but are more prominent at the secondary level.
In order from most prominent to least, which races do you think are most/least represented in the Johnston School District?
white (81%); Asian (6%); Hispanic (5%); multi-race (4%); black (4%); Native American (0%, only 8 students); Pacific Islander (0%, only 3 students);
What are ways in which teachers can make sure to effectively incorporate ELLs' personal lives into their schooling and make them feel comfortable?
Value the students language-use native language as a resource instead of shutting it down, first language loss can have detrimental effects on future language acquisition, best programs help students become BILINGUAL not only literate in English, value value value the native language! Value the students' home culture- "Americanized" is a bad word/do not strive to do it, schools are not "assimilation factories," critical realism states that diversity is the reality of the U.S., encourage biculturalism, appreciate America as bicultural and accepting/not one type of people
What are some programs that primarily use English to instruct ELLs?
English Language Development (ELD) programs- Receive content instruction while participating in this program. Receive developmentally appropriate English language instruction tailored to the students' level of English proficiency. Co-teaching/Collaboration Push-in-Can promote integration of ELLs with their peers, encourages coordination of language and content instruction and may be easier for teacher to schedule. Sheltered Instruction-Grade level, core content courses taught in English using comprehensible input.
What are the three ELL programs offered in the Johnston School district, elementary or secondary?
Pullout-typically used only for those students who are non-english proficient and spend part of the school day in a core classroom, but are pulled out for a portion of each day to receive instruction in English as a second language; Collaborative/Push-In- teacher pulled into the core classroom where he/she provides instruction to whole classes and small groups; ESL Class Period- receive instruction during a regular class period and receive course credit.
What are ways in which teachers can make sure to effectively professionally develop their skills to better serve ELLs?
ADVOCATE!!- most important is going beyond just providing comprehensible instruction for students, take time to listen/understand families' struggles/daily issues, take action when injustice occurs, DO NOT be afraid to speak out, only teachers can see what their students need and advocate for them Suggest ongoing PD for colleagues- find ESL workshops and invite fellow teachers, make presentations on your own, join professional organizations, attend professional conferences, and read the professional literature to be the most knowledgeable on PD for other teachers Encourage parent involvement
What is the best way to promote the English language development and academic achievement in English for ELLs when there is no bilingual program available?
The best way to promote English language development and academic achievement in English for ELLs is by having cognitively challenging programs that are consistent and coherent across grades rather than incoherent interventions form grade to grade. Programs must be sensitive to ELL's linguistic and cultural backgrounds. Academic achievement-modify the use of English to ensure comprehensible input while developing English language skills Literacy development-important to use interactive and direct instructional strategies
Sheltered instruction is the best practice for ELLs. True/False? Explain why/why not.
Answers may vary. I believe that sheltered instruction is the best because it is the closest to a full immersion program, and the students feel like they are in a safer environment. They also get to establish a better routine with the same class every day, instead of being pulled out of their core classroom and losing focus, time, and motivation.