What is the name of the most recent Marriott Training used to provide the best service to our guest.
Nombre del entrenamiento que hacemos para proveiir el mejor servicio al huesped.
What is Shaping Service
Que es Shaping Service
Integrity, respect, be proactive
Integridad, respeto, y ser proactivo
What are our Values
Que son Nuestors Valores
Our morning meetings at 10am Nuestras juntas por la manana a las 10am
What is the Shaping Service daily huddle
Newest mobile feature coming soon to ease our guest check in experience.
Nueva caracteristica mobil que llegara pronto para facilitar la experiencia del check in para nuestro huesped.
What is Mobile Key
The three circles that makeup our Blueprint. Las tres categorias que hacen nuestro blueprint
What is My guest, My Team, Me
Que es Mi huesped, Mi equipo, Yo
Name of the person that will have their 20 year anniversary this year.
Persona que cumple 20 anos con la compania este ano.
Who is Silvia Barrera
Quien es Silvia Barrera
The year Marriott was founded El ano del fundamiento de Marriott
What is 1927 Que es 1927
What is the incentive for our referral program if the perosn referred stays 1 year.
Que incentivo recives por nuestro programa de referir a un companero si duran un ano.
What is $1,000
What is the new RI Mix experience that we offer every other wednesday?
Que nueva cosa hacemos en el Mix cada otro miercoles?
What is the RI Mix
The phrase used in Residence Inn commercials to advertise our suites. La frase que usan en el comercial de Residence Inn para promover nuestras habitaciones
What is "it's not a room, it's a residence" Que es "no es un cuarto, es una habitacion"