Air Force Doctrine, AEF
Emergency Management Program
Standards of Conduct
Cpl Edward Ward and Pvt Joseph Barrett learned to inflate and repair balloons at Fort Wood on Bedloes Island (now called Liberty Island) in New York Harbor in _____, beginning the story of today's Air Force.
What is June 1907
Who makes national military policy decisions?
What is Civilian Leaders
Planning and employment must be understood and repeatable today because of the complexities of ______ forces and joint and combined doctrine, and the uncertainties of contingency operations.
What is integrated
The Air Force Emergency Management (EM) program helps members protect Air Force personnel and operational resources during which type of events? A: Terrorist or other attacks using chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or high-yield explosives (CBRNE) materials B: Major accidents C: Natural disasters D: All of the above
What is All of the above
NCOs are not responsible for A: always enforcing the proper observation of standards of conduct by other members. B: learning the standards of conduct well enough to clearly explain them to subordinates. C: suggesting new standards of conduct as conditions and technologies change. D: observing the standards of conduct personally
What is C: suggesting new standards of conduct as conditions and technologies change.
What was the first stage in the development of the US military's air arm?
What is the Aeronautical Division, U.S. Army Signal Corps
What establishes the basic principle of civilian control of the armed forces?
What is the US Constitution
What is the premier statement of our beliefs and the cornerstone from which all Air Force doctrine flows?
What is AFDD 1, Air Force Basic Doctrine
Which statement about the EM program is inaccurate? A: It plans, organizes, trains and equips personnel. B: It covers the entire incident response cycle. C: It protects critical infrastructures and installation resources. D: It guides commanders in confronting psychosocial threats.
What is It guides commanders in confronting psychological threats
The Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) arises from civilized nations' humanitarian desire to lessen the effects of conflicts. It tries to restore peace and A: protects combatants and noncombatants from unnecessary suffering. B: safeguards the rights of civilians, prisoners of war (POWs), the wounded and the sick. C: tries to keep conflicts from degenerating into savagery and brutality. D: All of the above
What is D: All of the above
During which year(s) was the US military's air arm called the Army Air Service?
What is 1918-1926
What did the National Security Act of 1947 establish?
What is the DoD
The Disaster Response Force (DRF) is the structure for all emergency responses. It does not include A: the Installation Control Center (ICC), the commander's senior staff and the Emergency Communications center. B: the Emergency Operations Center (EOC), the incident commander (IC) and first responders. C: specialized teams, defensive counterair (DCA) and local civil authorities. D: emergency responders, unit control centers (UCC) and emergency support functions (ESF).
What is C: specialized teams, defensive counterair (DCA) and local civil authorities.
DoDD 2311.01E, DoD Law of War Program, requires all of the following of each military department except A: appropriately training all forces in LOAC. B: completing a legal review of new weapons. C: designing a program to ensure LOAC observance and prevent LOAC violations. D: establishing tribunals to try alleged LOAC violations.
What is D: establishing tribunals to try alleged LOAC violations.
When did the US Army first use balloon detachments?
What is during the Civil War
Who formulates general defense policy (and policies concerning the DoD) and executes approved policy as principal defense policy advisor to the President?
What is Secretary of Defense
The Air Force presents forces to combatant commanders (CCDRs) through the _____ concept.
What is AEF
Prevention and preparedness are two of the five phases of emergency response. The other three do not include A: recovery. B: notification. C: mitigation. D: response.
What is notification
LOAC training is a treaty obligation of the US under provisions of
What is Geneva Conventions
Name the freelance civilian who recorded the first useful balloon reconnaissance mission for the Army in 1861.
What is John La Mountain
The President appoints the SecDef with the advice and consent of the
What is the Senate
The three main principles that determine an AEF's structure and execution do not include A: supportability. B: predictability. C: equitability. D: transparency.
What is Supportability
The _____ phase of emergency response includes safety mishap investigations. A: Preparedness B: Recovery C: Prevention D: Response
What is Prevention
All of these individuals receive additional specialized training in the LOAC, addressing unique issues they may encounter except A: engineers. B: medical personnel. C: security forces. D: aircrews.
What is A: Engineers