The Bible is without any ______ because it is rooted in______.
What is error and truth
The First 5 books of the Hebrew Bible are called the _________ and tell us about __ ______.
What is the Pentateuch and the Law
Genesis means ______.
What is beginning
Genesis 1 and 2 teach us this about God.
What are religious truths
The purpose of Genesis 3.
How death and sin entered the world.
What is to tell us what went wrong.
What is "the Fall"
The Bible is not meant to be taken this way
What is literally
The Hebrew Bible is _____ of the Biblical Canon
What is 2/3
The order of creation in the first 3 days in Genesis 1
What is light and darkness, sky and waters, and land and vegetation.
God made everything______, so _______ does not come from God
What is good, evil
The feeling of embarrassment and shame for realizing they disobeyed God
What is Adam and Eve's nakedness
The Bible is ______ ______ by _____
What is divinely inspired by God (H.S.)
The ________(answer to the 100 question) is also called the ________ for the Jewish people. The entire scripture for Jewish people is called the _______
What is the Torah. Entire scripture for Jewish people is called the TaNaK
The order of the second 3 days of creation
What is Sun moon and stars, birds and sea creatures, and land animals and humankind
We have no ____ without God and God made us in his ______.
What is life and image
Sin means....and the consequence for sin is ______
What is separation from God, the consequence is a broken relationship and death
The list of books considered to be sacred scripture.
What is canon
The order of the Hebrew Bible
What is the Pentateuch, Historical Books, Wisdom and Poetry, and the Prophets
The most important common theme between the two accounts of creation.
What is "God is present with us always"
Men and women are ______ in God's eyes and humans are called to be _________ of creation
What is equal, stewards
The choice to love and trust God is represented by this. The sin of disobeying God is represented by this.
What is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The fruit
The guiding force that leads us to the truth.
Who is The Holy Spirit
The prophets are last in the Hebrew Bible because they tell us about this person who is considered to be the ______.
Who is Jesus, the messiah.
The focus of chapter 1 and the focus of Chapter 2
What is goodness of creation in ch 1 and nature of humanity in relationship with God in ch 2
God's original and most fulfilling promise to us
What is eternal life for those that believe and trust in Him
The reason death is the punishment for sin
What is so that sin does not live forever and we can have eternal life again.