Main Idea and Theme
Quoting and Inferences
Point of View
Word Work
Figurative Language
Describe the main idea of a story.
The main idea is what the passage/story/section of the text is mainly about. It is what the author wants you to remember as the most important part.
What is an inference? What two things are used to make an inference?
A conclusion or deduction made about a text when the author does not tell you everything. Background knowledge and schema are used to make an inference.
What are the three different types of point of view?
What is first person, second person, and third person.
What is the difference between a synonym and an antonym?
A synonym is a word that has a similar meaning to another word. An antonym is a word that has an opposite meaning to another word.
Joey's backpack was weighing him down because he felt like he had a thousand pounds worth of books in his bag.
What is hyperbole
What is the theme of a story?
The theme of a story is the lesson or moral that the author wants you to remember from the story.
What two things are needed for a quote to be considered a quote.
Quotation marks and the exact words from the text.
Differentiate between the pronouns used in first person, second person and third person point of view.
First person: I, me, we, us. Second person: you, your. Third person: he, she, they, the character's name.
Compare and contrast homophone and homograph.
A homophone is two or more word having the same pronunciation/sound but different meanings and spelling. A homograph is two or more words spelled the same but not necessarily pronounced the same and having different meanings and origins.
Old Marley was dead as a door-nail.
What is simile
Jamie would never get her room clean. It looked like a tornado had hit it. She couldn't believe how much damage her friends had done. They pulled everything out and didn't put anything back. Glue was spilled all over her rug and fingernail polish was spilled on her new bedspread. They had even wiped their chocolate covered fingers on her curtains. Wow! What a mess. What is the main idea?
Jamie's friends were very messy. Jamie's friends were good at making a mess but not cleaning it up.
1. What is it if something you write does not have the exact words? 2. What is it if something you write does not have quotation marks but has the exact words?
1. A summary 2. Plagiarism
Differentiate between the who the narrator is in each point of view.
First person: the narrator is a character in the story. Second person: the narrator tells the story to another character. Third person: the narrator is outside the story and not a character.
Explain the correlation between a prefix, suffix and root word.
A root word is the original word. A prefix is a group of letters added before a word or base to alter its meaning and form a new word. A suffix is a letter or group of letters added to the end of a word to change its meaning.
Identify the difference between simile and metaphor. Providing an example for both.
Simile is a comparison of one thing to another using the terms 'like' or 'as'. A metaphor is a comparison of one thing to another, not using like or as. A word or phrase applied to an object or action to which is not literally applicable.
What are five commons themes we would find in stories, songs, movies and passages?
TBD depending on groups but could be: sportsmanship, be true to yourself, love others, treat others the way you want to be treated, don't let what others say get you down, love, jealousy, bravery, it is okay to be different, hard work pays off, overcoming obstacles makes you stronger.
Read the passage below and make an inference about Avery's neighbors. Avery watched as her new next-door neighbors moved in. She observed a tall man carrying a bicycle and a kayak into the garage. She also saw a young woman carrying a surfboard through the front door.
Inference: Avery's new neighbors were active people. Avery's new neighbors like to spend time outdoors.
Explain how the narrator's point of view influences and affects the story/plot.
The character's reliability is affected, there could be character bias, what we learn about the characters changes, how different parts of the plot or setting are described.
Take your spelling word 'Avoid'. - List a synonym - List an antonym - Add a prefix or suffix to the word and explain how it changes the meaning
Synonyms: keep away, stay away, dodge, avert, escape, evade, sidestep Antonyms: meet, face, stay, take on, seek out, want, permit, help - Prefix and suffix: unavoidable, avoided, avoiding, avoidable
Give an example of alliteration, using the repetition of a consonant sound 3 or more times.
depending on group.
What is the difference between the main idea of a story and the theme of a story?
The main idea is what the story is mostly about or the most important thought about the topic, it is specific to that text. The theme is the moral or lesson of the story, it is broader than that specific text and can be universal.
Petey and Ralphie went exploring last Saturday. Petey carried a net and a bag to put specimens in. Ralphie ran ahead and stuck his nose into a bush searching. Petey looked up, held out his hand, and decided to put on his wide brimmed hat and jacket. He tucked the specimen bag under his jacket so it wouldn’t get wet. When the sun came back out and the clouds moved away, Petey and Ralphie sat down for lunch. After lunch was finished, the boys trotted on home and observed their new pet. Quote a sentence in the text that helps you infer why Petey put on a hat and jacket.
TBD based on group but group should pick a quote that supports the inference that it is raining outside.
Read the passage: Michael gasped and scanned the shadows around her. Her crystal pendant glowed faintly like the aquamarine splotches on the backs and palms of her hands, but it all faded to nothing before she could blink. Impossible. She couldn't have seen what she though she saw. What is point of view is narrator speaking from? How would the story change if the narrator's point of view were different?
Third person point of view. If the point of view were different, the story could change because we could be inside the head of Rhea instead of hearing the narrator outside of the story. We could see more into the thoughts of the character and her opinions. Answer vary depending on group.
Use context clues from the sentence to define the word parsimonious. He was so parsimonious that he refused to give his own sons the few pennies they needed to buy pencils for school. It truly hurt him to part with his money. Use context clues from the sentence to define the word clandestine. Rather than be involved in clandestine meetings, they did everything quite openly.
1. unwilling to spend money, stingy, frugal 2. kept secret, done secretively, covert, hush-hush
The sun played hide and seek with the clouds.
What is personification