Energy Transformations
Heat Transfer
Potential and Kinetic
Energy Vocabulary
Speed and Motion
This energy transformation takes place in a fireplace.
What is chemical to thermal energy.
What type of heat transfer occurs when a person places their cold hands over a warm campfire
What is radiation
A diver on top of a diving board is an example of ______________________ energy.
What is potential
__________ energy is stored energy
What is potential
If you say,"A bird is going 30 mi/hr west." you are stating its _______.
What is velocity
What kind of energy transformation occurs on a pool deck during a hot day
What is radiant (electromagnetic) to thermal
A type of energy transfer that does not require a medium in which to travel
What is radiation
As an objects height increases, it's potential energy ___________.
What is increases.
Energy formed when an atom splits apart or when two atoms join to form one.
What is nuclear energy
Garfield was full from eating lasagna and wanted to take a nap in his chair. The chair was 81 m away from his bowl and it took him 9 minutes to walk from the bowl to the chair (since his tummy was full). At what speed was he walking?
What is 9 meters/minute
What type of energy transformation occurs when you burn a candle
What is Chemical energy -> heat energy + light energy
Heat moving from a hot pot to the boiling water is an example of what type of heat transfer
What is conduction
Name three different objects in the room with potential energy, then order them from most potential energy to least.
Example: clock, a book on a desk, and a pencil on the floor
The law of ___________ says that energy can neither be created nor destroyed
What is conservation
The distance that an object travels in 15 s at a speed of 10 m/s?
What is 150 m
What is the energy transformation found in a hand-held battery-operated fan?
What is chemical to electrical to heat to mechanical
What type of heat transfer causes macaroni to rise and fall in a pot of boiling water
What is Convection
Identify what happens to the potential energy in a roller coaster car when it moves from the top of the biggest hill to the bottom of the biggest hill?
What is it changes from most potential (top of biggest hill) to the most kinetic energy (bottom of biggest hill).
The ability to do work or cause a change
What is energy
What is the final speed of an object that started at rest and accelerated at a rate of 5m/s/s for 5s?
What is 25 m/s
Name energy transformations that occur within your cell phone.
What is chemical-->electrical-->sound OR chemical-->electrical-->light OR electrical-->chemical OR electrical-->chemical-->thermal
If you are getting an apartment building during the hot summer months, would you rather be on the 1st or 2nd floor (financially/logistically speaking)? Why?
What is 1st floor because warm air rises due to convection. Therefore, you would have to run your air conditioner more, costing more money.
Which has more kinetic energy a fast ball thrown by Mrs. Jones, or an underhanded pitch thrown by Mrs. Vinson?
What is the fast ball thrown by Mrs. Jones.
___________ energy is a form of energy that travels through space in waves
What is electromagnetic
This amount of force is required to accelerate a 100 kg object at 10 m/s/s
What is What is 1000 N