Making Predictions
Making Inferences
Adjectives and Adverbs
True or False: To make a prediction you use hat you have read to make a guess about what will happen next.
How do make an inference?
You draw conclusions/make a guess based on facts.
Does a prefix come at the beginning or end of a word?
The beginning
What part of the plot includes the beginning of a story?
the exposition
Does an adjective or an adverb describe a noun (person, place, or thing?
An adjective
Benny Chavez is taking a test and he has learned to relax his mind and refocus his attention on his test. How do you predict he will do on his test?
He will go well; get an A
Kim wants a dog. Kim has raised a goldfish, taken care of the class iguana, and helped her neighbor with her cat. She also earned money walking other people's dogs. What kind of character is Kim? A) she's good with money B) She knows how to focus towards a goal.
B) She know how to focus towards a goal.
What prefix would you add to make it mean "to put under water"? A) sub as in submerge or B) con as in conmerge
A) sub as in submerge. If you submerge something you put it under water.
When does the plot of a story reach its highest point?
the climax
Does an adjective or an adverb usually end in -ly
an adverb
Every student in this class looked at their study guide an paid attention to the Jeopardy review game. Predict how you will do on the Unit 2 test?
Very good; an A or B
Kim wants a dog. Kim has raised a goldfish, taken care of the class iguana, and helped her neighbor with her cat. She also earned money walking other people's dogs. What can you infer about Kim? A) she will be an a neglectful pet owner. B) She will be a responsible pet owner.
B) She will be a responsible pet owner.
What does the prefix ob- mean?
What part of the plot of The Outsiders introduces us to the characters of Ponyboy, Darry, and Sodapop?
The exposition because it happens at the beginning and introduces us to the characters.
Molly the poodle slurped noisily, spilling gravy all over the clean floor. Which word is an adjective?
Clean because it describes a noun, floor.
4 of the 7 students in this class are arguing during the Jeopardy review game, and are not paying attention. Predict how they will do on their test.
Not very well; a C or less
it's Halloween and the weather is extremely nice. You look down the street and every house has it's porch light on and is ready for trick or treaters. What can you infer about how much candy you can get? Use the information you have to make the inference.
I infer that I will get a lot of candy because the weather is warm and all the houses are giving out candy.
What does the prefix con- mean?
In the highest point of a story, we find out that the creepy clown in the story is actually the kid who pretends to be the most afraid of clowns. What part of the plot do we call this story?
The climax.
Kyle thought his friend Sam ran too slowly to win the race. Which word from the sentence is an adverb?
slowly because it ends in -ly and describes the verb ran
Use what you know and have heard about the upcoming election to make a prediction about who will win. How did you make this prediction?
Hillary Clinton/Donald Trump will win because (answer must include a good reason about what you know).
Mr. Swyres is cranky this morning, yawning a lot, and says that he had nightmares all night long. Use what know to infer about Mr. Swyres.
I infer that he is tired because he's cranky, yawning, and said that he had nightmares.
Using the prefix sub- what does the word "submerge" mean?
To put something under water.
Name all 5 elements of plot in the order in which they occur.
exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution
I walked slowly down the hallway. Which word in this sentence is an adverb?
Slowly, because it ends in -ly describes teh verb walked.