Programs for English Learners
More Programs for English Learners
Academic Results of ELL Programs
According to Cummins
And it's Vocabulary
Miguel spends his school days surrounded by the English language. Though this has aided in his ability to speak to his peers, he is able to do little else. Not only that, Miguel has now lost almost all of his native language proficiency.
What is English Immersion.
Frederick currently is taught half of his content instruction in his native language. This will continue for the next two years before he will no longer receive such assistance and will be taught all content in English.
What is Early Exit or Transitional Bilingual Education.
Students show limited progress in the areas of math and reading compared to students in ESL/bilingual programs. This group has the highest number of dropouts of all English language learner programs.
What is English Immersion
True of False: All Teaching should be in the target language.
What is False.
Dominant ones that, "commit murder on the less powerful languages of the world" (Freeman & Freeman, 2011)
What is killer languages.
Anastasia is now able to read in English thanks to her teacher's additional efforts. She is also able to hold conversations with her classmates but struggles to speak in English beyond that.
What is Structured English Immersion.
Maria is in the 5th grade. She has been taught in both her native and second languages for the past six years. Though next year she will no longer receive this type of instruction, she is now considered bilingual and biliterate.
What is Late Exit or Maintenance
These students exceed those in English-only programs scoring above the 50th percentile on standardized tests.
What is Late Exit or Maintenance.
True or False: ELLs oftentimes act as translators outside of school.
What is True.
"The process of going back and forth from one language to the other" (Freeman & Freeman, 2011).
What is translanguaging.
Roberto spends forty minutes a day in a smaller classroom with other ELLs. There he is taught basic vocabulary and grammar. After the forty minutes, Roberto returns to his mainstream class.
What is ESL Pullout Traditional Instruction.
While Adam's primary language is English, he is taught content lessons in another. He doesn't know it yet, but he is working towards becoming bilingual and biliterate.
What is Enriched Immersion.
Little academic progress is achieved by these students resulting in an inability to catch up once integrated fully into a mainstream classroom. Though not the highest, there is a significant drop out rate amongst this group.
What is ESL Pullout Traditional Instruction.
True or False: While there may be times to keep languages separate, there are also instances in the classroom where they must be brought together.
What is True
The act of utilizing a word or phrase from their native language when speaking in their second; the borrowing of words from another language.
What is code switching.
Nyugen receives language support during content instruction. Though helpful now, his time with such assistance is limited. Within three years he will be on his own in an all English classroom.
What is ESL Pullout or Push-in Content Instruction.
Justin and Pedro are in the same class. Justin's primary language is English. Pedro's is Spanish. Although they didn't speak each other's languages before, they can now both read, write and speak in either.
What is Bilingual Dual- Language Education.
Even after years of instruction, these students will struggle with conversational English, reading and comprehension.
What is Structured English Immersion.
True or False: "more English leads to more English."
What is False.
Freeman, D. E., & Freeman Y. S. (2011). Between worlds: Access to second language acquisition (3rd ed.). Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann
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