Inference & Prediction
Main idea/Topic/Theme
Citing textual evidence
This is the active verb in the following sentence: Camila displays her action figures on the shelf by her desk.
What is displays?
This is the part of the story when loose ends are tied up.
What is the resolution?
This is an educated guess that will be revealed once the article, movie, or text is complete.
What is a prediction?
This is the topic of the following text: A toddler is having a birthday party. He decides he wants Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles plates, napkins, cups, and a birthday cake.
What is party?
What is, this is the difference between implicit and explicit evidence.
What is evidence taken directly from the text (explicit) and evidence not taken directly from the text (implicit)?
This is the misspelled word in the sentence below: Genessy screamed to Ebony that she loves Pink Floyd to.
What is too?
This is the part of the story when you are introduced to the characters and setting.
What is the exposition?
This skill is used in the following example that was proven to be false: The king will die.
What is a prediction?
These two skills are included in a good main idea.
What are topic and theme?
This is what you do to support your opinion or idea.
What is citing textual evidence?
This is the type of voice included in the sentence: Ebony fished in the river.
What is active voice?
These are the components of the plot structure.
What are exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution, and conflicts?
These skills are reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning.
What are inferences & predictions?
This is the definition of main idea.
What is important information from the text that summarizes the overall point, in one sentence.
This is how you properly paraphrase.
What is using different words of the meaning of a text for clarity?
This is the phrase that should be in the quotations: Tie'sheaunia looked over at Brianna and screamed, I do not like you at all.
What is "I do not like you at all"?
In the following excerpt, identify all of the components of the components of plot structure that can be applied. "John took the komodo dragon by the tail, cut off his head, and the dragon died."
What is rising action or falling action?
This is the skill(s) is used in the following example: The plane is going to crash!
What is a prediction or an inference?
This is a repeated theme in the following quotes. "The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return." -Moulin Rouge "But the heart's not like a box that gets filled up. It expands in size the more you love." -Her
What is love (synonyms of love are acceptable)?
When citing textual evidence, this is what you do after you state your idea and cite your evidence.
What is explaining your evidence by connecting it to your claim?
This is a type of quote identified in the following sentence: With utter stupidity, Genessy announced, "My name's Jeff!"
What is a dialogue quote?
This is the internal conflict in the following excerpt. "After a long day, Kyle was walking home from school. All of a sudden, he was stopped by his neighbor who said, "Hey kid, can you help me carry these groceries?". Kyle slowly walked away from his neighbor, but then stopped hesitantly. Slowly, he turned around and replied with an apathetic voice. "Sure"."
What is being conflicted with helping his neighbor carry groceries or just walking away?
This is the skill used in the following example: The man was unpredictable based on his previous actions.
What is an inference?
This is the similarity between a topic and a main idea.
What is a description of what the text is about?
This is the difference between paraphrasing and summarizing.
What is re-wording the main points in the passage (summarizing) and re-wording specific pieces of evidence (paraphrasing)?