Unreal Estate
Movie Plots, Told In Reverse
Horrible Bosses
Who said it? (Insult edition)
Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away mall forest moon is home to the Ewoks and gives you a great view of a "fully armed and operational battle station."
What is Endor?
A mom is slowly becoming depressed at her son's dwindling success in High School Football that she abandon's him on the side of the road.
What is The Blind Side?
This restaurant is known for being a penny-pincher. Literally.
Who is Mr. Krabs?
"You are a sad, strange little man... and you have my pity." -Toy Story-
Who is Buzz Lightyear?
This famous actor played the Reverend who was determined to stop Kevin Bacon's quest to teach a small town that dancing is the greatest thing ever.
Who is John Lithgow?
This land offers eternal youth and endless adventure. The only downside are those pesky pirates.
What is Neverland?
A family moves to Austria during the Nazi Occupation and the mother's constant signing drives the family apart. The father distances himself from her and treats her like the help until she leaves to join a convent.
What is The Sound of Music?
This editor-in-chief is known for her icy demeanor and the emotional and psychological abuse she thrusts upon her personal assistants that might as well be walking through a revolving door.
Who is Miranda Priestly?
"Why, you stuck-up... half-witted...scruffy-looking nerf-herder!" -Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back-
Who is Princess Leia Organa?
This actor played an astronaut stuck in the a spaceship with Kevin Bacon while their mission to the moon goes horribly wrong. "Houston, we have a problem".
Who is Tom Hanks?
This forest is a fun place for a young boy to escape every day life and hang out with his imaginary friends including a willy nilly silly old bear.
What is the Hundred Acre Wood?
A group of unlikely friends spend a Saturday in detention and grow to hate each other by the end of the day.
What is The Breakfast Club?
You never want to get on this boss's bad side, or you'll end up with your horse's head in you bed. It's nothing personal, strictly business.
Who is Don Vito Corleone?
"That's it! Dishonor! Dishonor on your whole family. Dishonor on you! Dishonor on your cow!" -Mulan-
Who is Mushu?
During the Cold War, Kevin Bacon is a mutant who tries to ignite the conflict between the U.S. and Russia. This actress plays a shape-shifting mutant on a team to stop him.
Who is Jennifer Lawrence?
This hotel seems like the perfect getaway if you want to write a book without any distractions. At least until it snows in.
What is the Overlook Hotel?
A drug lord gives up his addiction, becomes an honest dishwasher in order to save enough money to move to Cuba.
What is Scarface?
The Wall Street trader is famous for his “Greed is good” speeches, but there’s another quote that lands him on this list: “Lunch is for wimps.”
Who is Gordon Gekko?
"I'll explain and I'll use small words so that you'll be sure to understand, you warthog-faced buffoon." -The Princess Bride-
Who is Westley?
FBI Special Agent Kevin Bacon leads a man-hunt for the Boston Marathon bombers and he gets a little help from this actor who plays a streetwise Boston Police Sergeant.
Who his Mark Wahlberg?
This famous city is known for enslaving dinosaurs to act as household appliances for the residents.
What is Bedrock?
A sad tale about a husband who divorces his wife, makes the long trip to put her back in the castle he found her before living as a recluse in a swamp.
What is Shrek?
When he’s not ruling his monopoly over Springfield’s energy plant you can find him drilling for oil under the Springfield elementary school.
Who is Mr. Montgomery Burns?
"Hey! Where did you get those clothes? At the...toilet..store?" -Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy-
Who is Brick Tamland?
Evil Kevin Bacon faces off against paranormal police force agents Jeff Bridges and this actor who was named People Magazine's Sexiest Man Alive 2010.
Who is Ryan Reynolds?