Job Applications
Cover Letters
Interview types
Why do employers use job applications?
Employers use it to learn about your qualifications and compare you to other applicants.
the place to sell your skills and show your interest in the position. It's a great chance to highlight achievements that would make you an ideal candidate for the job.
What is a cover letter?
a meeting between a job applicant and a representative of the company.
What is an interview?
What is a screening interview?
This is usually done by the Human Resources Department or an outside agency. They want to eliminate candidates who do not have the basic requirements for the job.
Who wielded a sword named Excalibur?
King Arthur
On a job application, instead of saying you were fired you should say __________?
"involuntary separated"
What is in the body section of a cover letter?
Sell yourself. Reveal why you are a perfect and unique match for the position. Explain why you have chosen the employer. Briefly summarize your talents, experience, and achievements.
• Determines whether the candidate is in or out. • Does the candidate have the skills necessary to perform the job? • Questions are designed to collect facts. • Clear and concise answers are looked for.
What is a screening interview?
Name the 4 phases of an interview.
Introduction Background and Probe Stage Matching Stage Final Questions and Close
In the game of 9-ball, the pool balls are initially placed in a grouping of what shape?
Name a reason for being laid off, that's acceptable on a job application.
1. Lack of work 2. Lack of operating funds 3. Temporary employment 4. Seasonal employment 5. Company closed 6. Plant closing 7. Company downsized 8. Corporate merger
What is in the closing section of cover letter?
Thank the person for taking the time to read your letter. Use an appropriate closing, such as “Sincerely.” Tell the employer how you plan to follow-up.
• Usually conducted by the person with the authority to hire. • Can you do the tasks required by the position? • Are you willing and motivated to solve the employer’s problems? • Are you going to fit in? • Will I be comfortable seeing you every day?
What is a selection interview?
What is one type of one on one interview then define it?
Informal---Interviewer knows which questions they want to ask. They might change their mind about questions and carry on a conversation with the candidate. This can be difficult, because you may spend the whole time talking about sports or music. After this interview, you wonder what happened. Structured----In a structured interview, a list of questions has been prepared based on the job requirements. The same questions are asked of every candidate. The same questions are asked in the same order. Notes are taken. Unstructured---This interview can be very stressful if you are not prepared. The interviewer may ask a question or two and then wait. You should be prepared with questions of your own and show initiative is asking them. Sequential----You will interview with several people, but with only one at a time. These individuals might be people you will be interacting with during the course of your work. Since they each need to interview you, treat each one as a separate interview. You may have to answer the same questions over and over.
Which Disney's cartoon character's love interest is named Prince Philip?
Princess Aurora
What is "position desired mean"?
The positon that you are interested in getting.
Why should you use the cold contact type of cover letters?
Use this format to contact employers who have not advertised or published job openings. Research careers to find the requirements for the job you're applying for matching your qualifications with that research. View Inquiry letters
For the company to get a good look at you. It is the company’s chance to ask you questions about your work experience. It is the company’s opportunity to see if you would fit in with the other employees.
What is the purpose of an interview?
Interviewer knows which questions they want to ask. They might change
Informal Interview
What are the small indentations on a golf ball called?
What is an example of an illegal question?
1. Race 2. Religion 3. Creed 4. National origin 5. Receiving public assistance 6. Gender 7. Marital status 8. Sexual orientation 9. Age 10. Disability
What is a referral cover letter?
Use this format if you were referred to a job opening through networking, informational interviews, or contact with employers. A referral may be to a specific job opening (advertised or unadvertised) or to an employer who may or may not be hiring now. Make sure you mention the person who referred you.
You will be interviewed by more than one person at the same time. It could be three or it could be seven people. Each person asks you a question. The other individuals are told to observe you and listen carefully to your response.
Define panel interviews
What is your tasks during a telephone interview?
Be prepared. Have all information next to you. Eliminate background noises. Be professional. Stand while you talk. Your voice will sound stronger and more confident.
Eric Carmen's hit song "Hungry Eyes" has been used in a popular TV ad campaign for what snack food?