True or False
Doodle Sheet Quotes
Celebrities who allowed their self worth
Other Things

The amygdala is part of the emotional brain.

What is true- the amygdala is the alarm bell of our emotions.


"Being where you want to be but feeling like you need to change yourself to "belong" or feeling like you can't belong no matter what you do."

What is - fitting in


"....doesn't have prerequisites."

What is "worthiness"


This actress-singer-songwriter, who became a teen idol after starring in the "Camp Rock" movies, had problems related to self harm.

Who is Demi Lovato


Emotionally healthy people still feel anger, sadness and fear but they seek support....

What is "so they can manage these difficult emotions"  


Self worth comes from outside of yourself - from people who praise you and compliment you. It can be given and taken away.

What is false - Self worth comes from the inside - from knowing you are worthy no matter what. It can not be given or taken away.


Something that you strongly believe in. When your behaviour supports it, your self worth is strengthened.

What are values.


"Self worth, self love, self respect. There is a reason they all start with "self"

What is "You can't find them in anyone else."


Jay-Z liked it so he put a ring on it despite her depression in her early years.

Who is Beyonce Knowles


What do you think can harm our self worth the most? a-the media 

b-bad grades 

c-people you look up to and love

What is C - being hurt and belittled by the people who are most important to us can really make it difficult for us to remember our worth.


Our body does not know the difference between a thought and an actual situation.

What is true - thoughts are not facts and when you challenge the negative self talk, you can change them around.


When you join in on targeting another person 

What is people pleasing behaviour.


"Not comparing myself to others is..."

What is -"my super power"


Maybe this funny and crazy actors heart was "2 sizes too small" because he suffered from depression and low self esteem in his early years.

Who is Jim Carrey


"Your emotional health is more stable because your self worth is not bouncing around like a ping pong ball based on your successes, failures, struggles or disappointments."

What is - Knowing the value of your true worth?


Self worth is the same thing as self esteem.

What is false - self worth is knowing your value no matter what - self esteem is pride for your accomplishments.


"Being where you want to be and feeling accepted for being you"

What is true belonging?


"....which one will you invest in?"

What is "There are 2 belief systems-"I am enough or "I am not enough" 


This gorgeous Oscar-winning actress has had her share of emotional trauma, but she was able to overcome her negative self talk with a strength that is similar to a "superpower"

Who is Halle Berry


"You are less likely to go along with the crowd just to fit in."

What is - 1 reason to strengthen your self worth.


Negative self talk can sometimes motivate us to do better.

What is false. Negative self talk destroys our self worth which is never  motivating!


This is the most dangerous behaviour you could chose when you are emotionally struggling.

What is withdrawing.


....I am enough."

What is "Every single day"


One of the most empowering and successful women in the world who grew up in poverty, abuse and neglect.

Who is Oprah Winfrey


"Practise "self compassion" when you are having a difficult time - if you wouldn't say it to a friend, don't say it to yourself."

What are - What is COAL - curious - open - accepting - and loving towards yourself.
