Academic Vocabulary
Roots and Affixes
Context Clues
Multiple-Meaning Words
Connotation and Denotation
Using your knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and word roots, answer the question. Today, Bill Gates is known as a philanthropist because his foundation helps a lot of people in need. What does the word philanthropist mean in the sentence above? a. someone who is able to speak b. someone who has a state of peace c. someone who loves people d. someone who has many houses
What is c. someone who loves people
All week long, there was commotion in the neighborhood. A house down the street was under construction because new people were moving into it. The noise was so loud that babies in the neighboring houses could not take their naps. The babies wailed and howled, but nothing could pacify them. What is Based on your knowledge of Greek and Latin roots, what is the meaning of the word pacify in the passage above? a. turn away b. bring peace c. roll down d. make smaller
What is b. bring peace
Arianna's behavior was cryptic to say the least. The momentary bursts of laughter between her tears completely baffled us. Arianna, the peer advocate, had never been so out of touch with herself. As her best friend, I tried hard to lift her spirit. However, the grimace in her face at my every attempt to do so discouraged me. Arianna did not want to watch a movie, enjoy ice cream, or go for a walk. I could not watch Arianna sit frozen on her couch anymore, and I needed help rolling her out from the inertia. So I convinced the school counselor to pay Arianna a visit. Which word or phrase in the paragraph helps the reader understand the meaning of the word grimace? a. momentary b. attempt c. advocate d. discouraged
What is d. discouraged
germinate (jər-mə-,nāt) v. [Latin] to come into existence to put forth shoots to cause to grow to start to develop What is the meaning of the word germinating in the sentence below? Zara jotted down the ideas for a new novel that had been germinating in her mind over the last few days. a. definition 3 b. definition 1 c. definition 2 d. definition 4
What is d. definition 4
While camping last summer, our friend Jenny made coffee every morning. It was the strongest coffee I had ever tasted, and, afterward, I learned that Jenny had worked for a while as a barista in Italy. She knew just how to grind the beans so that they maintained their aroma and flavor, and she knew just how much water to add so that the coffee was strong but not too thick. And the roast she chose to brew had just a hint of French Roast, so it made the perfect breakfast coffee. What does the word strongest suggest about the coffee? a. The coffee was the thickest drink Jenny had ever brewed. b. The coffee was the richest the narrator had ever tasted. c. The coffee made the narrator feel stronger than ever before. d. The narrator was being sarcastic, and the coffee was weak.
What is b. The coffee was the richest the narrator had ever tasted.
Using your knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and word roots, answer the question. Walking back home for my lunch bag was inconvenient because I was running late. What does the word inconvenient mean in the sentence above? a not convenient b. convenient before c. convenient again d. toward convenient
What is a. not convenient
Use your knowledge of affixes to complete the sentence below. In a business, if a person is a subordinate, then he or she works a. under another person. b. without other people. c. against another person. d. before other people.
What is a. under another person.
Arianna's behavior was cryptic to say the least. The momentary bursts of laughter between her tears completely baffled us. Arianna, the peer advocate, had never been so out of touch with herself. As her best friend, I tried hard to lift her spirit. However, the grimace in her face at my every attempt to do so discouraged me. Arianna did not want to watch a movie, enjoy ice cream, or go for a walk. I could not watch Arianna sit frozen on her couch anymore, and I needed help rolling her out from the inertia. So I convinced the school counselor to pay Arianna a visit. In this paragraph, the narrator tries to roll Arianna out from the inertia. What does inertia most likely mean? a. assistance b. inactivity c. penalty d. sorrow
What is b. inactivity
When Dad and Mom gave me that talk, they did not intend to corner me, but I felt that way. Which sentence uses the word corner as it is used in the box above? a. Mindy felt like she was cornered when Sasha asked her. b. As the theif turned the corner, he ran straight into cops. c. Tiku went around the street corner and came home. d. I cycled the corner, and then went over to my aunt's place.
What is a. Mindy felt like she was cornered when Sasha asked her.
While camping last summer, our friend Jenny made coffee every morning. It was the strongest coffee I had ever tasted, and, afterward, I learned that Jenny had worked for a while as a barista in Italy. She knew just how to grind the beans so that they maintained their aroma and flavor, and she knew just how much water to add so that the coffee was strong but not too thick. And the roast she chose to brew had just a hint of French Roast, so it made the perfect breakfast coffee. What does the word hint suggest about the flavor? a. The coffee had a slight flavor of French Roast. b. French people could have roasted the coffee. c. The narrator had to guess the coffee was French. d. The coffee was brewed and came from France.
What is a. The coffee had a slight flavor of French Roast.
Using your knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and word roots, answer the question. Macy tried to circumvent the problem by calling her professor ahead of time. What does the word circumvent mean in the sentence above? a. to remember b to learn again c. to draw a circle d. to get around
What is d. to get around
Identify the meaning of the prefix underlined in the word imperfect. a. away b. not c. one d. same
What is b. not
When people who come to the U. S. from foreign countries want to become citizens, they must go through a process called naturalization. The process requires them to file an application, take a naturalization test, and appear in court. In the passage above, what does the word naturalization mean? a. a test that people must take to become U.S. citizens b. a test that foreigners must take before entering the U.S. c. an application for citizenship in the U.S. d. the process by which people may become U.S. citizens
What is d. the process by which people may become U.S. citizens
keen ('kEn) adj. [English] having a sharp edge or point full of enthusiasm having or showing mental sharpness very nice What is the meaning of the word keen in the sentence below? Chris' teachers often compliment his keen mind. a. definition 3 b. definition 2 c. definition 4 d. definition 1
What is a. definition 3
Mr. Larson was a cheap man who never ate dinner in a restaurant. Which word could replace cheap to describe Mr. Larson positively? a. shabby b. thrifty c. penny-pinching d. miserly
What is b. thrifty
My uncle Dan works as a sous-chef (pronounced sue-shef) for a local fancy restaurant. As the second in command, the kitchen is his responsibility whenever the head chef is absent. On such nights, he sometimes lets me sit quietly in the corner, out of the way of the kitchen crew, to watch him work his magic. He went to cooking school in Paris, and his creations are mouth-watering. Even a simple soup becomes a masterpiece as Dan instinctively chooses the perfect aromatics like ginger, curry, and fresh-ground pepper that will give the dish its distinctive taste and fragrance. Today I am watching him expertly slice and dice a series of fresh vegetables while a giant pot of water boils beside him on a gas burner. Then he plunges a metal basket full of the cut vegetables into the boiling water to blanch them, removing the basket after just a few seconds and rinsing them quickly with cold water. Blanching brings out the flavor as well as the vibrant oranges, yellows, and greens of the vegetables, which will adorn the plate of baked salmon and basmati rice he is fixing. “Simple but delicious” is his motto. I only wish I were the lucky customer who will be treated to Uncle Dan’s “simply” perfect meal. What is From the context at the beginning of this passage, the sous-chef is the a. lower-level chef. b. head chef at a restaurant. c. student learning to cook. d. assistant to the head chef.
What is d. assistant to the head chef.
It is customary for people in Japan to remove their shoes before entering a room in someone's house. When Dolly came back from Japan, she decided to adopt this custom. She now asks people who visit her to please remove their shoes before entering as a sign of respect and politeness. Using your knowledge of Greek and Latin roots, what is the meaning of the word politeness in the passage above? a. being late b. being rude c. being polite d. being honest
What is c. being polite
Nature uses air, water and land again and again. This is called recycling. Energy in the form of sunlight provides the power for nature to recycle. What does recycling mean in the passage above? a. energetic b. naturally occurring c. returning d. using again
What is d. using again
Norman and Bella knew they were being followed. As they tried to bolt through the alley, they could hear the footsteps getting closer and closer. Norman panicked and wanted to shelter himself in the shadows, but Bella had a brilliant idea. She picked up a nearby stick, waved it at the dogs, and tossed it. They immediately went for it, and Norman and Bella walked away relieved. Using context clues, you can determine that bolt means what? a. to fasten b. to work c. to tighten d. to run fast
What is d. to run fast
The group hanging out in front of the movies cringed when Larry sauntered around the corner. His personality was so forceful that he could hardly keep from giving everyone a hard time. Jimmy spoke up to greet him, "Hey, Larry. I liked your speech today in class. You were quite, um, assertive when you jumped in and took Harold's turn." Henry chimed in, "Yeah, I thought that Harold was acting a bit too modestly to get on with it." Larry answered back favorably, "Thanks, guys. Do you mind if I join you?" "No, not at all," said George, the group's unofficial leader. He was self-confident enough to take charge in any situation, figuring he was the best man for the job whether or not anyone else agreed. Larry got in line behind them, and when he stepped up to the counter to purchase his ticket, the young clerk at the window nervously rang up his ticket. She fumbled with his change. "Don't mind her," grumbled the deliberately paced veteran from the back of the booth. "She's new, but I bet she'll get the hang of things in no time," he offered with a rather unconvincing wink. What does the word forceful suggest about Larry's personality in the paragraph above? a. He is strong. b. He is effective. c. He is violent. d. He is overbearing.
What is d. He is overbearing.
My uncle Dan works as a sous-chef (pronounced sue-shef) for a local fancy restaurant. As the second in command, the kitchen is his responsibility whenever the head chef is absent. On such nights, he sometimes lets me sit quietly in the corner, out of the way of the kitchen crew, to watch him work his magic. He went to cooking school in Paris, and his creations are mouth-watering. Even a simple soup becomes a masterpiece as Dan instinctively chooses the perfect aromatics like ginger, curry, and fresh-ground pepper that will give the dish its distinctive taste and fragrance. Today I am watching him expertly slice and dice a series of fresh vegetables while a giant pot of water boils beside him on a gas burner. Then he plunges a metal basket full of the cut vegetables into the boiling water to blanch them, removing the basket after just a few seconds and rinsing them quickly with cold water. Blanching brings out the flavor as well as the vibrant oranges, yellows, and greens of the vegetables, which will adorn the plate of baked salmon and basmati rice he is fixing. “Simple but delicious” is his motto. I only wish I were the lucky customer who will be treated to Uncle Dan’s “simply” perfect meal. What is Based on the context, what does the term aromatics mean? a. herbs and spices to add flavor and aroma b. foods used to thicken a soup or stew c. flowers hung in a room to make it smell good d. milk or cream to make a soup richer
What is a. herbs and spices to add flavor and aroma
Devon is the oldest, and he knows what it's like to be the big brother. As the patriarch of his family, Devon's father would go out of town to work and provide for his family, so Devon decided to help out more around the house. Using your knowledge of Greek and Latin roots, what is the meaning of the word patriarch in the passage above? a. A family member b. Mother of the family c. An acquaintance d. Father of the family
What is d. Father of the family
The conceited actress wanted to talk only about herself. She knew she was more interesting than everyone else. She didn’t want to waste time hearing other people talk about their boring lives. What does conceited mean in the passage above? a. vain b. friendly c. talented d. shy
What is a. vain
Norman and Bella knew they were being followed. As they tried to bolt through the alley, they could hear the footsteps getting closer and closer. Norman panicked and wanted to shelter himself in the shadows, but Bella had a brilliant idea. She picked up a nearby stick, waved it at the dogs, and tossed it. They immediately went for it, and Norman and Bella walked away relieved. Using context clues, you can determine that brilliant means what? a. friendly b. shiny c. sunny d. smart
What is d. smart
The group hanging out in front of the movies cringed when Larry sauntered around the corner. His personality was so forceful that he could hardly keep from giving everyone a hard time. Jimmy spoke up to greet him, "Hey, Larry. I liked your speech today in class. You were quite, um, assertive when you jumped in and took Harold's turn." Henry chimed in, "Yeah, I thought that Harold was acting a bit too modestly to get on with it." Larry answered back favorably, "Thanks, guys. Do you mind if I join you?" "No, not at all," said George, the group's unofficial leader. He was self-confident enough to take charge in any situation, figuring he was the best man for the job whether or not anyone else agreed. Larry got in line behind them, and when he stepped up to the counter to purchase his ticket, the young clerk at the window nervously rang up his ticket. She fumbled with his change. "Don't mind her," grumbled the deliberately paced veteran from the back of the booth. "She's new, but I bet she'll get the hang of things in no time," he offered with a rather unconvincing wink. What does Henry suggest of Harold by using the word modestly in the paragraph above? a. Harold was reserved. b. Harold was humble. c. Harold was timid. d. Harold was bold.
What is c. Harold was timid.